Policy 4520F


When the College reclassifies a position from paraprofessional to professional, the College may grant a position reclassification leave to exceptional paraprofessionals to carry out an approved program to improve their skills.

Adopted: November 19, 1981
Revised: May 13, 1982
Revised: June 26, 1986
Reformatted: April 2012

Procedure 4520F


This leave allows exceptional paraprofessionals to carry out an approved program to improve their skills when the college reclassifies a position from paraprofessional to professional. This procedure describes the eligibility requirements, the application process, and the conditions of a granted leave.

Eligibility for Leave
Paraprofessionals are eligible if they have:

  • Completed four (4) years of exceptional service in a position that the College will reclassify to the professional level.
  • Demonstrated that by completing this leave they will upgrade their skills to a level required for the new position.

Applying for Leave
Paraprofessionals must apply to the Position Reclassification Committee no later than 14 months before the reclassification occurs. The College would grant the leave for the college year preceding that reclassification.

The application will include a detailed development plan. This plan will include the program of courses at the college or institute they will attend.

The Position Reclassification Review and Evaluation Committee will consist of the supervising Vice President, the Vice President for Administrative Services, 2 paraprofessionals, and 2 professionals. The committee will review the applications and, with the realization that only one such leave can be granted each year, will submit recommendations in a prioritized list to the President.

The President will review the committee’s recommendations, recommend action to the Board of Trustees, and by April 1st, notify the candidate of this recommendation.

The Board will act by June 1st and return its decision to the committee.

Conditions of the Leave
Paraprofessionals may take a leave for one year at 33% salary. They may accept scholarships, fellowships, or internships if these contribute to the leave plan.

Applicants must agree to serve Western Wyoming Community College for at least one (1) contract year after completing the leave. If they do not return, they must repay any money paid for that leave.

Within sixty (60) days after returning to work, the paraprofessional must submit a written report to the Leave Committee. The report will include evidence, such as transcripts, of the completion of the program. The committee will compare the completed program with the proposed program and send its comments along with the report to the President. Should discrepancies occur, the College may adjust the remuneration given to the applicant.

While on leave, the paraprofessional will receive normal salary increments and the following benefits:
• Sick leave accumulation,
• Retirement based on prorated salary,
• Insurance,
• Social security,
• Insurance/annuity alternative prorated at 33%,
• All other benefits to which the employee is entitled.

If the employee does not upgrade his or her credentials for the reclassified position, the employee may stay in that position up to two (2) months before the position is reclassified.

Adopted: November 19, 1981
Revised: May 13, 1982
Revised: June 26, 1986
Reformatted: April 2012

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