Policy 4220D



The College may grant emeritus status to instructional faculty for many years of exemplary teaching.

Adopted June 26, 1986
Reformatted October 7, 1986
Reformatted February 2012

Procedure 4220D


The College may grant emeritus status to retired instructional faculty for long-term teaching excellence.

The primary criteria is continuous teaching excellence. Meritorious achievements, such as research and community service, can also be considered. In addition, the candidate must meet the following criteria:
• Separation from full-time service
• Instructional faculty member
• Twenty years of full-time service to Western Wyoming Community College
• Associate professor or Professor rank.

Faculty members may be nominated by students or any employee. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Human Resource office by April 1.

Approval Process
Upon receipt of a nomination from the Human Resource office, the Vice President for Student Learning shall call a meeting of an ad hoc Emeritus Faculty Committee.
Membership of the committee shall consist of:
• 3 instructional faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate Chairperson,
• 2 administrators appointed by the President,
• 2 students appointed by the Associated Student Government President,
• The Vice President for Student Learning is an ex-officio member.

The committee shall review all nominations and forward a recommendation to the Vice President for Student Learning by the third Thursday of April.

The Vice President for Student Learning shall review the recommendation of the committee and shall forward a recommendation to the President by the fourth Thursday of April.

The President shall review all recommendations and forward a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for action on or before the second Thursday of May.

The Board of Trustees shall make the final decision.

At the discretion of the President, recognition of the emeritus professor may include (in addition to the title) flexible teaching or tutorial and/or administrative duties and due compensation; office space, secretarial help and use of College facilities for research or other academic pursuits.

Approved June, 1986
Reformatted October 7, 1986
Revised February 25, 1993
Reformatted February 2012