Policy 4220C



The College encourages promotions, transfers and demotions if it serves the best interest of the employee and the College (demotion is a non-disciplinary tool to accommodate changing needs in employment).

Adopted November 19, 1981
Revised March 13, 1986
Reformatted October 7, 1986
Reformatted February 2012

Procedure 4220C



The College promotes, transfers, and demotes professional employees according to the following procedures:

Promotion is the movement of an employee from a position in one class to a position in a class with a higher minimum pay rate.

Criteria for promotions and the appropriate pay rates are established in Procedure 4220B.

Transfer is the change of an employee’s assignment to a position in the same class with the same minimum pay rate.

Transfers may be voluntary or involuntary. An employee given an involuntary transfer will receive at least 30 days notice. The President upon consultation with the appropriate College officer must recommend any transfer, and the Board of Trustees must approve it.

An employee transferred to another position will receive the same rate of pay.

Demotion is the voluntary movement of an employee to a position in another class with a lower rate of pay.

An employee may only be demoted at the employee’s request. The President upon consultation with the appropriate College officer must recommend a demotion, and the Board of Trustees must approve it.
Employees who chose a demotion will remain on the same step in the new pay range or on the closest step in that range.

The Role of the Human Resources Office
The Human Resources office will advertise the vacancy, accept applications, and coordinate efforts to fill the position.

The Human Resources office will advertise a full-time position in appropriate locales, unless the vacancy will be filled by transfer or demotion.

Adopted November 19, 1981
Revised March 13, 1986
Reformatted October 7, 1986
Reformatted February 2012


The Human Resources office tries to fill paraprofessional vacancies internally by promotion, transfer, or demotion of eligible employees.

The movement of an employee from a position in one class to a position in a class with a higher minimum pay rate.

Promoted employees must remain at the same relative location in the new pay range that they were in the old range.

The change of an employee’s assignment to a position in the same class with the same minimum rate of pay.

The movement of an employee to a position in another class with a lower rate of pay.

Demoted employees will remain at the same relative location in the new pay range that they were in the old range.

New pay rates for Promotion or Demotions begin the day the employee starts the new job.

Filling Vacancies Internally
The Role of the Human Resource Office:
The Human Resource office will advertise the vacancy, accept applications and coordinate efforts to fill the position.

The Human Resource office will advertise a full-time position internally for five (5) days.

If the position is not filled internally, it will be advertised externally.

Eligible Employees
The following employees can apply for position advertised internally:
• Full-time permanent employees, and
• Part-time or temporary employees who were originally hired for an advertised position and have worked for the College for six months or longer in at least a 50% FTE capacity.

Selection of Candidates
Candidates will be selected on the basis of present job performance, length of service, and general qualifications for the position. After conferring with the employee’s present supervisor and the Vice President for Administrative Services, the supervisor for the new position will select the final candidate.

Approved November 19, 1981
Revised March 13, 1986
Reformatted October 7, 1986
Reformatted February 2012