Policies & Procedures

The Board of Trustees considers policy development one of its chief responsibilities. The Board may adopt such policies that are authorized or required by law, related to accreditation criteria, or determined to be necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the district. Board policies are statements of intent by the Board on specific issues within its jurisdiction.

Administrative Procedures are statements of how Board Policy is to be implemented, and are the responsibility of the College President. The Board reserves the right to direct that Administrative Procedures be revised should they, in the Board’s judgment, be inconsistent with the Board’s own policies.

Any codified policy may be initiated, adopted, revised or repealed at any meeting by a majority vote of the Board members present. Policy revisions, additions or deletions will be presented at two consecutive meetings, the first presentation will be for discussion and the second presentation will be made with a recommendation for consideration. As a general rule, however, no action will be taken on a policy the first time the policy is brought before the Board for consideration.