Dining Services


Welcome to Western Wyoming Community College Dining Services. The goal of Dining Services is to achieve the best balance of variety, service and price, while not compromising quality in any way.

Governing all aspects of Dining Services is a value called Service Spirit created by Sodexo's Corporate Headquarters: "Our people are passionate about providing service, always willing to put forth an extra effort to serve our clients, our customers, and the communities where we conduct business. We expect our people to listen and to understand, to demonstrate professionalism, enthusiasm, integrity and a welcoming attitude. Sodexo managers are entrepreneurs who work closely with their clients and customers so that they can continuously create innovative solutions for them."

Check out the Mitchell's Menu!

Check out meal plan options HERE

Don't see what you need?  Call us at 307-382-1674 or email diningservices@westernwyoming.edu