Dean of Students
As a student at Western Wyoming Community College, you have the ability to report a concern on the Reporting Form. Every report is important and the appropriate action will be taken by the College. You can also report a concern directly to the Dean of Students at 307-382-1644 or or by visiting office 2006 on the second floor by the pendulum.
As per Policy 1330C, Western prohibits drug and alcohol use on campus. However, it is important for students to know the types of drugs, the risks associated, strategies to avoid substance abuse, and where to seek help. In addition, it is important to know that substance use is very highly linked to sexual misconduct, harassment, and discrimination on college campuses.
Types of Drugs & Alcohol
Alcohol and other depressants are highly physically and psychologically addictive. Besides alcohol, depressants include tranquilizers and barbiturates.
Effects of alcohol and other depressants can last for 1-12 hours and may include slurred speech, disorientation, loss of coordination, and impaired reaction time. Overdose can result in weak and rapid pulse, coma, and death.
Marijuana can be physically addictive but is generally thought to be moderately psychologically addictive.
Effects of marijuana last for 2-4 hours and may include relaxed inhibitions, increased appetite, disorientation, increased heart and pulse rate, agitation, and depression.
Stimulants can be physically addictive and are regraded to be highly psychologically addictive. This class of drug includes caffeine, cocaine, and amphetamines.
Effects last for 2-4 hours and include increased alertness, excitation, euphoria, increased pulse rate and blood pressure, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Overdose can cause hallucinations, convulsions, and possible death.
Narcotics are highly physically and psychologically addictive and include many prescription pain pills, opium, and heroin.
Effects of narcotics last for 3-6 hours and may include euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, and nausea. Overdose can cause convulsions, coma, and death.
Hallucinogens can be psychologically addictive. This class of drug includes LSD, ecstasy, and PCP.
Effects last varying times and include hallucinations, poor perception of time and distance. Overdose can cause a longer, more intense, or upsetting experience, permanent psychosis, and possible death.
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Are you misusing drugs and alcohol? The following could be a sign of misusing substances:
- Using more pills per day than prescribed.
- Stockpiling or sharing pills.
- Unsafe behaviors while impaired such as driving.
- Inability to limit amount of alcohol.
- Craving or urges to drink or use substances.
- Developing a tolerance to substances.
- Unable to fulfill obligations due to substance use.
Drug & Alcohol Statistics in Wyoming
Approximately 17% of adults age 18-25 and 9% of adults over 26 have used illicit drugs in the past month. Approximately 29% of adults age 18-25 and 10% of adults over age 26 have used marijuana in the last year. Approximately 52% of adults age 18+ have used alcohol in the past month.
Prevention Tips
Know the facts! Understand the effects, risks, consequences, and your family history regrading substance use and abuse. Be mindful of any consumption of substances. Make informed and well thought out decisions.
Take care of yourself! Good nutrition, exercise, and sleep are important for overall health.
Reach out! We all struggle at times, so don’t be afraid to reach out to get help to deal with life’s challenges instead of turning to substances.
Get involved! Get involved with campus and community activities. Make sure that you have social connections that a positive and healthy.
Communication is key! Communicate your needs, wants, and feelings to those in your life.
The Wellbeing & Accessibility Office is a great resource for students who may feel that they may be struggling with substance abuse. The Wellbeing & Accessibility Office does not conduct substance abuse specific treatment but can assess and refer to community resources.
SAMHSA National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Western Wyoming Community College in accordance of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 has developed a prevention plan that includes policies, procedures, resources, education and prevention programming to address drug and alcohol use and abuse on campus. Policy 1330C states the following:
“In compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, Western Wyoming Community College (the College) prohibits the unlawful manufacture, dispensation, possession, use, or distribution of a controlled substance (illegal/illicit drugs and alcohol) of any kind and in any amount. These prohibitions cover any individual’s actions that are part of any College activities, including those occurring while on College property or in the conduct of College business away from the campus.”
ALCOHOLIC OR MALT BEVERAGES (alcohol): Any beverage that contains ethyl (beverage) alcohol, including but not limited to beer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor.
DISTRIBUTION: To share, give and/or sell illicit drugs or alcoholic or malt beverages or to purchase illicit drugs or alcoholic or malt beverages for another.
ILLICIT DRUGS (controlled substances): As defined in Wyoming Statute 35-7-1014 through 35-7-1022, and including but not limited to marijuana, hashish, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, methamphetamines, barbiturates, and other opiates and hallucinogenic substances. Also includes any drugs illicitly obtained or with a high potential for abuse.
POSSESSION: To have illicit drugs or alcoholic or malt beverages in one's immediate possession or within an area one directly controls, including but not limited to one's vehicle or living area.
SPONSORED OR SUPERVISED ACTIVITY: An organized Western Wyoming Community College student activity for which college funds are expended and/or supervision is provided by college employees.
USE: To consume, take, or be under the influence of illicit drugs or alcoholic or malt beverages.
Local, State & Federal Laws Relating to Alcohol Use or Abuse
The legal drinking age in Wyoming for alcoholic or malt beverages is twenty-one years of age. It is unlawful for persons younger than twenty-one years of age to have alcoholic or malt beverages in their possession, or to be under the influence of alcoholic or malt beverages in public places. Persons under twenty-one years of age are also prohibited from attempting in any manner to purchase alcoholic or malt beverages. It is also illegal for any person to sell, furnish or give alcoholic or malt beverages to underage individuals, or to falsify any identification or use any false identification in order to obtain alcoholic or malt beverages. Within the cities of Rock Springs and Green River, it is unlawful for any person to be drunk or to drink alcoholic or malt beverages on any highway, street, sidewalk, parking lot, or at any public place. An allowable exception is that a person of legal age may drink alcoholic or malt beverages at certain recreational areas designated by the city governing bodies for such use either on a regular basis or for a special event.
No person shall drive a vehicle or have actual physical control of any vehicle within the State of Wyoming if the person has a blood alcohol concentration of .08% or more, or is under the influence of a controlled substance, or is under the influence of a combination of these elements. Any person who drives a vehicle or is in actual physical control of a vehicle upon a public street or highway within the State of Wyoming is deemed to have given implied consent to a chemical test or tests of his or her blood, breath or urine. Failure to submit to all required chemical tests requested by a peace officer shall result in the suspension of the person’s driver’s license for a period of six months for a first offense. Effective July 1, 1990, any person under nineteen years of age who has been convicted of any offense regarding the possession, delivery, manufacture or use of a controlled substance or alcohol may have their Wyoming driving privileges suspended for ninety days. A second conviction will result in a suspension of driving privileges for six months.
The Wyoming Supreme Court has also held that any person who unlawfully provides alcoholic or malt beverages to a minor can be held liable for any injuries suffered by that intoxicated minor, and also held liable for any injuries to other persons when those injuries are caused by that intoxicated minor.
Local, State & Federal Laws Relating to Controlled Substance Use or Abuse
“Controlled substances” are defined and listed in Wyoming Statute 35-7-1014 through 35-7-1022. The list includes marijuana as well as all other illicit drugs. It is unlawful for any person to possess or use a controlled substance unless that substance was obtained pursuant to a valid prescription or as otherwise authorized for approved research or medical purposes. It is also unlawful for any person to manufacture, or possess the raw materials with intent to manufacture, or sell, or possess with intent to sell a controlled substance. In Wyoming, a person may be guilty of a drug induced homicide if he or she is an adult at least four years older than the victim, and unlawfully delivers a controlled substance to a minor, and that minor dies as a result of using that controlled substance. Transportation of a controlled substance without the required Federal authorization and permits may result in seizure by the Drug Enforcement Administration or the Federal Bureau of Investigation of any property related to such transportation including the controlled substance, raw materials, equipment, money or other assets, vessel, vehicle or aircraft. A Federal conviction on a charge of illegal possession of a controlled substance can also result in denial of Federal benefits including student grants and loans, Federal contracts, and certain Federal licenses. The person may also become ineligible to receive or purchase a firearm.
Health and Other Risks Associated with Use of Illicit Drugs & Alcohol
Alcohol abuse is defined as any level of drinking that harms or endangers the drinker or other people. As a result of alcohol abuse, a significant number of drinkers experience personal problems ranging from academic failure to serious accidents. Long term alcohol abuse can also result in poor health, including malnutrition, cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, heart disease, degeneration of muscle and bone, memory loss and personality disorders. Alcohol is a depressant. Drinking too much at one time can result in loss of muscle control, impaired judgment, poor concentration, and loss of inhibitions resulting in exaggerated feelings of anger, fear and anxiety. Vandalism, violence, and social conflicts including fighting and sexual assaults may occur with the result that the reputation of the person misusing alcohol may be permanently damaged. Heavy drinkers usually suffer academically as a result of slower thinking, poor concentration and frequent absences from class. A cycle of alcohol use, failure, and greater alcohol use may set in. Even a single alcoholic binge can have long-term consequences. Alcohol related automobile accidents are the most common cause of death and serious injury for young people between sixteen and twenty-four years of age. A single alcohol-related accident can change not only the life of the drinker but also the lives of innocent victims. As a result, the drinker may suffer both criminal and civil penalties for negligence.
The long-term use of cannabis (marijuana or hashish) has been associated with lung disease. The user experiences a distortion of reality and sometimes confusion, depression and panic. Large doses may cause hallucinations and paranoia. Long-term use has been associated with feelings of lethargy and an inability to concentrate. Unlike alcohol, which is eliminated in hours, marijuana and hashish stay in the body for days. Amphetamines (speed, bennies, pep pills) increase the heart rate and blood pressure and increase the activity level temporarily. Harmful exhaustion and depression usually follow, and withdrawal from the drug can result in suicidal depression. Heavy doses can result in hallucinations and paranoia, and continued high doses can cause heart problems, infections, malnutrition and death. Cocaine (coke, snow) can cause overconfidence, restlessness, confusion, anxiety, and depression. Heavy doses can result in paranoia, hallucinations, and nervous exhaustion. Chronic use can destroy nasal tissues. Physical dependence can develop. Effects are unpredictable, with convulsions, respiratory paralysis and death possible. “Crack” or “rock” is a highly potent cocaine that is extremely addictive. Depressants such as barbiturates and tranquilizers slow the heart rate and breathing, and lower the blood pressure. They slow the reaction time and distort reality resulting in drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and loss of coordination. Overdoses can cause coma, respiratory arrest, convulsions and even death. Depressants taken in combination, such as barbiturates and alcohol, are extremely dangerous. Hallucinogens (LSD or acid, PCP or angel dust) are unpredictable in their effect. They may cause euphoria and a distortion of the senses, or they may cause panic or violence. Effects may include “flashbacks” (recurring symptoms) days or weeks after use, psychosis, convulsions, coma or death. Use has resulted in murder and suicide.
Narcotics such as heroin, morphine, opium and codeine cause lower perceptions of pain, shallow breathing, and drowsiness. There may be feelings of euphoria and lethargy combined with an inability to concentrate and a loss of judgment. Withdrawal is very painful, and heavy doses can cause convulsions, respiratory arrest, coma and death. Methamphetamine (ice, crank, crystal, meth) is a central-nervous system stimulant that can contribute to irrational and often violent behavior. It causes euphoria and feelings of well-being followed by an amphetamine psychosis that can last for months. The user becomes agitated, on edge and paranoid. The use of methamphetamines can result in hallucinations, aggressive behavior, insomnia, loss of appetite, excessive talking, panic, and a false sense of confidence and power followed by severe depression. Long-term use can result in fatal kidney, liver and lung disorders as well as stroke. Meth causes a severe and long-lasting crash, or low feeling, after the effects wear off, and can result in intense withdrawal symptoms including severe craving, insomnia, and mental confusion. If methamphetamines are used during pregnancy, babies tend to be asocial and incapable of bonding. They may have tremors, birth defects, and may cry for long periods of time without stopping. Many of these drugs, as well as alcohol, have been linked to birth defects. Women, during pregnancy, should be especially careful to abstain from their use.
Campus Policies, Regulations & Sanctions
The college prohibits students from manufacturing, using, possessing, distributing, or selling alcoholic or malt beverages or illicit drugs at college sponsored or supervised activities or on property it owns or leases. Students violating this policy are subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution. All Western Wyoming Community College Policies, including those addressing drugs and alcohol (Policy 1330C) can be found online here.
Housing Regulations
For students living on campus in the College residence halls, disciplinary actions may include termination of the residence hall contract by the College (eviction). Immediate eviction will be considered for any student twenty-one years of age or older who supplies alcoholic or malt beverages to a minor-age student or other person on campus. Immediate eviction will also be considered for any student manufacturing, possessing, selling, using or distributing illicit drugs on campus. Public drunkenness on campus may also result in immediate eviction if combined with other violations of college residence hall regulations.
Any student who is not evicted for a first offense involving possession or use of alcohol or public drunkenness, but instead is placed on probation, charged a fine, and will be referred for counseling to focus on substance use. A subsequent offense in addition to an additional probationary period, the student will be charged a second fine, and referred again to for counseling to further discuss substance use and abuse. Any student may be considered for immediate eviction should that student commit a second violation of any residence hall regulation including but not limited to a second alcohol violation. Any further offenses would be considered immediately for eviction.
Sanctions for Pell Grant Recipients
Students receiving financial aid in the form of a Federal Pell Grant must certify that as a condition for receiving and retaining the Pell Grant, they will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance during the period covered by the Pell Grant. Students violating this requirement will be reported by the College to the U.S. Office of Education for action.
Student Disciplinary Sanctions
Any student violating these policies will be subject to college administrative action as well as referral for prosecution under applicable local, State, and Federal law. The College may take administrative action separate from any criminal prosecution that may occur. Administrative action may include disciplinary sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion from the College, and/or may include the requirement that the student complete an appropriate rehabilitation program at the student’s expense.
State of the College
Although, Western Wyoming Community College main campus is located in Rock Springs, WY, the college serves all of Southwestern Wyoming. Through online and outreach campuses, Western Wyoming Community College geographic service area reaches throughout Sweetwater, Lincoln, Uinta, Sublette, and Carbon Counties. Fall 2021 counted a total of 2,453 total students enrolled with 36% full time and 64% part time (NCES, 2021).
Current Data
Goal |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
Maintain |
Campus Liquor Violations (Arrests) |
0 |
0 |
5 (0 was reported previously in error)
2 |
Campus Illegal Drug Violations (Arrests) |
4 |
6 |
4 (1 was reported previously in error) |
14 |
Maintain |
Campus Liquor Violations (Referrals) |
1 |
2 |
4 |
Overall Decrease |
Campus Illegal Drug Violations (Referrals) |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Maintain |
Residence Halls Liquor Violations (Arrests) |
0 |
0 |
2 |
Residence Hall Drug Violations (Arrests) |
4 |
4 |
10 |
Decrease |
Residence Hall Liquor Violations (Referral) |
1 |
2 |
35 |
Overall Decrease |
Residence Hall Drug Violations (Referral) |
1 |
0 |
3 |
Current Data (Wellbeing & Accessibility Violation Sessions/School Year Fall/Spring/Summer)
Goal |
21/22 |
20/21 |
19/20 |
18/19 |
17/18 |
17/16 |
16/15 |
Overall Decrease |
Alcohol/ Drug Violation Sessions
15 (14 clients, 1 voluntary) |
7 (7 clients) |
23 (11 Clients) |
33 (18 Clients) |
70 |
106 |
83 |
Community Information
Western Wyoming Community College Campus is located in Sweetwater County (Rock Springs), WY. Sweetwater County spans 10426.65 square miles in southwestern Wyoming. As of July 1, 2017, estimated the population of Sweetwater County to be approximately 44,165, the median income is approximately, $68,233.00, with a 9.8% poverty rate. Sweetwater County can be described as racially and ethnically homogenous compromised of 79.6% white/Caucasian and 16.1% Hispanic or Latino. Approximately 90.7% of Sweetwater County’s population has a high school diploma with 21.4% of the population have a bachelor’s degree or above (U.S. Census, 2017).
Campus Information
Although, Western Wyoming Community College main campus is located in Rock Springs, WY, the college serves all of Southwestern Wyoming. Through online and outreach campuses, Western Wyoming Community College geographic service area reaches throughout Sweetwater, Lincoln, Uinta, Sublette, and Carbon Counties. Fall 2016 counted a total of 3,462 total students enrolled with 31% full time and 69% part time.
Campus Prevention Programming and Education
The College promotes and supports an alcohol-free and drug-free college environment. It also encourages faculty members to incorporate alcohol and drug education into the curriculum, where appropriate. The College will provide alcohol and drug awareness and education programs with the purpose of preventing alcohol abuse and illicit drug use. It will also provide education programs for students, faculty and staff to assist them in detecting problems of alcohol abuse and other drug use and referring persons with these problems for appropriate assistance. Campus prevention efforts are implemented throughout the main and outreach campuses as well as the Western Wyoming Community College online learning community. The following are current prevention programs and educational opportunities regarding drug and alcohol use and abuse.
Western Welcome required for all new students.
Information provided to all housing students by Resident Assistants upon moving in.
The Student Handbook is availble on the College website and is sent to all students at the beginning of every term.
Alcohol & Drug Awareness Week & Events are centered on Alcohol and Drug Awareness issues, education and facts are distributed to students.
Alcohol Free Fun Events (Open Mic Night, Housing Events). These events are promoted as alcohol and drug free fun. Often information is distributed or activities are conducted regarding substance use and possible consequences.
Ongoing information available through our MyWestern Portal.
Campus Security Procedures
Participation in Sweetwater County Prevention Coalition
Ongoing Informational Campaigns focusing on alcohol and drug awareness and safety. These campaigns are conducted online, through social media, and on signage throughout the year.
Resources Available in the Community for Drug and Alcohol Treatment
There are several programs and services in Sweetwater County available to provide help to anyone experiencing drug or alcohol dependency. The College, through the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility, will provide information, confidential counseling, and referral assistance to any student upon request. You may arrange an appointment with any one of the counselors by contacting Wellbeing & Accessibility, room 1227. In many cases but not always, students can receive the help they need directly from the College’s Wellbeing Office.
Students who are concerned about their involvement with drugs or alcohol are encouraged to contact the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility for assistance and referral if needed. Anyone wishing to confidentially refer a student for assistance with a potential drug or alcohol problem should submit a report via Maxient, online reporting system, or may contact the Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility. No College disciplinary action will be taken in the case of referrals or self-referrals for assistance in overcoming a pattern of personal drug or alcohol use as all counseling services are confidential. Again, no report or disciplinary action will be taken from any referral or counseling session regarding drug or alcohol abuse made without a prior conduct referral.
In the case of a student who is perceived to be a danger or potential danger to himself/herself or other members of the College community due to drug or alcohol use or abuse, the College reserves the right to involuntarily refer the student to a treatment center, hospital, or other agency as specified in the Wyoming State statutes.
Resources On Campus
(Counseling, Referral, Brief Assessment, Drug & Alcohol Education, & Support)
Office of Wellbeing & Accessibility
2500 College Drive, Room 1227
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Resources Off Campus
(Counseling, Drug & Alcohol Assessment, Treatment, & Support)
Southwest Counseling Service
1124 College Drive
Rock Springs, WY 82901
307-382-6677 or 872-5515
Access, Balance & Change (ABC)
126 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Rock Springs AA/NA Meetings
Green River AA/NA Meetings
Other Area Treatment Providers Information Available Upon Request
U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts Sweetwater County Wyoming. Retrieved from
As per Policy 5420E, Western Wyoming Community College is committed to providing a learning environment that is free from discrimination and sexual misconduct. This applies to all campus locations, buildings and online communities as well as all students, employees, community members, and visitors.
The Title IX program at Western Wyoming Community college is comprehensive and includes procedures for reporting, investigation, appeal of findings as well as campus safety, campus climate, prevention and education programming. The college complies with all federal laws including Title IX, Violence Against Women Act, and Clery Act.
For more information, please see the Title IX Webpage. You can also learn more in the Title IX Module in the Western Welcome.
The Dean of Students area is made up of these departments:
Athletics Children's Center Housing Student Life Wellbeing & Accessibility

"Life is 10% what happens to you & 90% how you react to it. Attitude is everything."
Dr. Conover has been at Western Wyoming Community College since 2004. He has served in multiple positions including GEAR UP Director, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish, Director of Housing & Student Life, and Dean of Students. He began his college career at Western as a student and was involved in many parts of campus as a Resident Assistant, Student Government Association Senator, Student Ambassador, and Peer Tutor. Dr. Conover earned his Associate's Degree from Western Wyoming Community College in Communications, his Bachelor's Degree from Chadron State College in Spanish, his Master's Degree from the University of Wyoming in Spanish, and his Doctorate Degree from Capella University in Educational Leadership and Management. When he is not on-campus and engaging with students, Dr. Conover loves hanging out with his wife and four boys, playing basketball, or enjoying the outdoors. He is a huge sports fanatic and loves the New York Yankees, the Denver Broncos, the Utah Jazz, the Wyoming Cowboys, and the Western Wyoming Mustangs!
We strive to support, empower, educate, and inspire our campus community by providing a diverse, inclusive, and quality experience through continual improvement and integrity.Core Value Statement