For the full story, view the press release on the Dual Student of the Year. .
2023 Mustang Awards
Mustang Awards is an opportunity to congratulate our students and faculty who have made significant achievements in education, leadership roles, and academic awards.
Outstanding Graduates:

Some things her nominator said: “Niki is a student athlete, representing Western as a leader on the women’s soccer team. She is highly competitive on the field and in the classroom. She has been a math tutor at the Peer Tutor Center for four semesters now and has helped many students and her teammates from Beginning Algebra through Calculus III. She has been active in numerous campus events, and it seems like she has always been doing something for the college with other students. She led the initiative to have Calculus III offered in Spring 2023 since it was not going to be offered. The positive impact she has made on Calculus I, II and III classes while a student is unmeasurable. She has been a positive force in class, and she has made her classmates and her instructor better. She is actively recruiting students for the college for the future and always talks positively. She wears her Western uniform with pride, especially when she is throwing a few elbows on the soccer field. She will represent Western well at whatever university she decides to transfer to.”

Some things her nominators said: “Alex has served in multiple leadership positions during her time here at Western. First, she has served as a Student Ambassador which has afforded her the opportunity to give campus tours, help Mustang Central with events, and welcome students, employees, and community members at the Information Desk. Alex has also served as a member of the Student Government Association (SGA), as well as being elected to serve as Vice President last Spring semester and being elected as President this year. In these positions, she has led and mentored the members of SGA through the self-governance process and helped them understand the importance of representing the student body. Something she started this year as SGA President was the weekly “Mondays with Alex” social media campaign to help inform students of the upcoming events for the week. She also serves other students as a peer tutor for accounting and economics classes. She is intelligent, extremely friendly and has an excellent work ethic. And beyond her involvement outside the classroom, she is also an excellent student.”

Some things her nominators said: “In addition to her academic accomplishments in Nursing, Victoria has been an active participant in several extracurricular activities, including serving as Vice President and President of the Student Nurse Association. She has led the club’s many community service endeavors including providing personal care items for the elderly, providing coats for children and adults, and even providing relief items for nurses who were exhausted from caring for patients during the pandemic. She is a natural leader who inspires those around her with her enthusiasm, positivity, and dedication. Victoria has maintained a high GPA and this is a testament to her intelligence, diligence, and passion for learning. She makes a true connection with her patients and embodies both the art and science of nursing. Beyond being a busy and successful student, she is also a mother who is very active in her children’s’ lives and activities.”
For the full story, view the press release on Outstanding Graduates.
Dual Student of the Year:

Innovative Educators of the Year:
This award recognizes instructors who go above and beyond in creating excellent learning experiences to Western’s students. Nominees are individuals who exemplify great instructor characteristics and provide Western students with high quality, student centered, and active learning opportunities. For 2023, the following professors were recognized at an employee banquet:

Honor Roll - Fall 2023
Alarcon, Darwin - Rock Springs, WY | French, Davan - Rock Springs, WY | Owens, Morgan - Green River, WY |
Allison, Ezeekeil - Green River, WY | Friel, Connor - Green River, WY | Patik, Emma - Casper, WY |
Allred, Connor - Rock Springs, WY | Froman, Timothy - Rock Springs, WY | Peraza Arce, Gabriela - Rock Springs, WY |
Anderson, Amanda - Green River, WY | Furlong, Melissa - Pinedale, WY | Percival, Maclaine - Kaysville, UT |
Anderson, Oliver - Rock Springs, WY | Gilbertson, Cory - Lyman, WY | Pollard, Tate - Kemmerer, WY |
Anderson, Sara - Grace, ID | Granthem, Emma - Lehi, UT | Pruden, Grace - Sandy, UT |
Archuletta, Shenan - Rock Springs, WY | Gross, Hunter - Mountain View, WY | Reeves, Wesley - Colorado Springs, CO |
Asper, Erral - Rock Springs, WY | Hager, Patrick - Rock Springs, WY | Ricks, Bridger - Perry, UT |
Bates, Lily - Mountain View, WY | Harris, Emily - Kemmerer, WY | Rider, Cody - Green River, WY |
Bell, Ginger - Big Piney, WY | Harrison, Alicia - Green River, WY | Robertson, Frank - Lyman, WY |
Bell, Marissa - South Weber, UT | Herbst, Symon - Evanston, WY | Robinson, Ryder - Heber City, UT |
Berg, McKayla - Lyman, WY | Hess, Barrick - Rock Springs, WY | Rogers, Rena - Rock Springs, WY |
Bertagnolli, Domirico - Rock Springs, WY | Hickey, Izabell - Lonetree, WY | Runnion, Aiden - Kemmerer, WY |
Billman, Ahlianna - Idaho Falls, ID | Hoopes, Halli - Afton, WY | Salas, Isabell - Green River, WY |
Bindl, Brooke - Fort Bridger, WY | Howes, Preston - Afton, WY | Santhuff, Kamren - Rock Springs, WY |
Blom, Tamryn - Casper, WY | Jacobsen, Derek - Rock Springs, WY | Schulthess, Kathryn - Kemmerer, WY |
Blood, Paisley - Enoch, UT | Johnson, Louie - Afton, WY | Schultz, Aubrie - Evanston, WY |
Boglino, Tanah - Mountain View, WY | Jones, Carson - Farson, WY | Seitz, Alexander - Mountain View, WY |
Boren, Justin - Rock Springs, WY | Kallgren, Anna - Fairview, WY | Skinner, Sierra - Rawlins, WY |
Brown, Lexus - Afton, WY | Kearns, Karin - Mountain View, WY | Smith, Nathan - Green River, WY |
Buhovac, Korina - Sollentuna, | Kelly, Christian - Kemmerer, WY | Somsen, Zipaya - Wayan, ID |
Busskohl, Braydon - Lyman, WY | Kertz, Morgan - Lyman, WY | Stauffer, Ashtin - Kemmerer, WY |
Calendas, Daniel - Rock Springs, WY | Kinikini, Heidi - Rock Springs, WY | Stephenson, Daney - Green River, WY |
Campbell, Kylie - Cokeville, WY | Koritnik, Adonis - Rock Springs, WY | Thomas, Alexis - Evanston, WY |
Chipman, Quincy - South Jordan, UT | Kracht, Sarah - Meeker, CO | Thomas, Dillon - Green River, WY |
Christensen, Ashley - Ogden, UT | Lundgren, Ryan - Green River, WY | VonRembow, James - Rock Springs, WY |
Christiansen, Emma - Green River, WY | Mamalis, Ezekiel - Rock Springs, WY | Wales, Trista - Rock Springs, WY |
Cochrun, Raygan - Green River, WY | Mayne, Meghan - Urie, WY | Walton, Colter - Evanston, WY |
Coster, Jacob - Rock Springs, WY | Miller, Jayden - Chinook, MT | Wassmuth, Luke - Craigmont, ID |
Davies, Tyler - Rock Springs, WY | Miner, Lindsay - Randolph, UT | Wiberg, Carter - Rock Springs, WY |
Edman, Claire - Rock Springs, WY | Moneyhun, Alyx - Rock Springs, WY | Wilson, Gatlin - Stillwater, OK |
Ekstrom, Anja - Stockholm, | Moody, Chase - Rock Springs, WY | Witte, Samuel - Green River, WY |
Ensign, Delanie - Rock Springs, WY | Murray, Allison - Rock Springs, WY | Yaezenko, Lindsey - Rock Springs, WY |
Erickson, Colton - Woods Cross, UT | Nelson, Kaylee - Green River, WY | York, Hailey - Green River, WY |
Farnsworth, Avrie - Idaho Falls, ID | Officer, Wynn - Lyman, WY |
Adkison, Rusty - Rock Springs, WY | Fuller, Abigail - Clifton, ID | Monzon, Jaqueline - Rock Springs, WY |
Alcaraz, Josue - Rock Springs, WY | Garang, Chok - Adelaide; Australia, | Mosher-Reitsma, Charles - Laramie, WY |
Alldredge, Cadence - Rock Springs, WY | Goldman, Aaron - Rock Springs, WY | Navarro, Emily - Green River, WY |
Alldredge, Ellie - Rock Springs, WY | Golightly, Timothy - Green River, WY | Nelson, Emily - Kemmerer, WY |
Allen, Emmalee - Lyman, WY | Gomez, Brittany - Green River, WY | Nelson, Ethan - Afton, WY |
Alvarado, Osvaldo - Rock Springs, WY | Gomez, Skylee - Green River, WY | Nichik, Peter - Rock Springs, WY |
Anderson, Caleb - Rock Springs, WY | Grajeda, Gabriela - Green River, WY | Nield, Izaak - Afton, WY |
Anderson, Raegan - Lyman, WY | Granados, Jaciel - Rock Springs, WY | O'Brien, Ethan - Superior, WY |
Archibald, Emmie - Green River, WY | Gray, Luke - Pinedale, WY | Oehler, Stephanie - Fort Bridger, WY |
Arnes, Kyla - Ewa Beach, HI | Green, Madyson - Evanston, WY | Olds, Casey - Green River, WY |
Bae, Benjamin - Rock Springs, WY | Gregory, Boe - Lyman, WY | Olsen, Brian - Rock Springs, WY |
Bailey, Lillyn - Liberty, UT | Grosenick, Rebecca - Green River, WY | Olson, Emma - Green River, WY |
Baker, Timothy - Rock Springs, WY | Grossman, Morgan - Pinedale, WY | Panzer, Conner - Rock Springs, WY |
Baldwin, Richard - Casper, WY | Halter, Trysten - Green River, WY | Peevers, Alexa - Rock Springs, WY |
Bame, Denise - Evanston, WY | Hamblin, Kayleigh - Rock Springs, WY | Phelps, Cody - Pinedale, WY |
Barker, Stephanie - Rock Springs, WY | Hancock, Kierra - Evanston, WY | Prettyman, Summer - Rock Springs, WY |
Barnes, Cole - Rock Springs, WY | Hanks, Oaklee - Green River, WY | Price, Riley - Green River, WY |
Barnes, Ethan - Rock Springs, WY | Hansen, Evin - Green River, WY | Puz, Keith - Golden, CO |
Bartlett, Kyler - Green River, WY | Harmon, Skylynn - Rock Springs, WY | Quenga, Shayna - Waipahu, HI |
Beck, Katelin - Green River, WY | Harmon, William - Nephi, UT | Razo, Itzayana - Evanston, WY |
Beckermann, Cassandra - Green River, WY | Hart Loredo, Linda - Rock Springs, WY | Rees, Wyatt - Fort Bridger, WY |
Bennett, Whitney - Saratoga, WY | Heatherman, Kelli - Green River, WY | Richards, Leland - Rock Springs, WY |
Bennion, Kambria - Grover, WY | Hensley, Karson - Rock Springs, WY | Richmond, Jason - Green River, WY |
Bitters, Alexander - Rock Springs, WY | Hernandez, Ashley - Green River, WY | Rivera, Karina - Kemmerer, WY |
Blake, Madison - Rock Springs, WY | Hernandez, Haillie - Evanston, WY | Roberts, Kelli - Boulder, WY |
Blatter, Jayces - Rock Springs, WY | Herwaldt, Alyssa - Green River, WY | Roberts, Tanner - Pinedale, WY |
Bloomfield, Timothy - Evanston, WY | Hettinger, Brandon - Rock Springs, WY | Robinson, Emelia - Rock Springs, WY |
Bloomfield, Vincent - Evanston, WY | Hill, Callee - Plain City, UT | Roitz, Kaylee - Robertson, WY |
Boggs, Kasen - Minden, NV | Hoff, Teghan - Evanston, WY | Roper, Estephania - Green River, WY |
Bowhay, Nyah - Moore, ID | Hosford, Kylee - Green River, WY | Rubeck, Chezni - Green River, WY |
Bowman, Taylor - Thayne, WY | Hughes, Kyler - Green River, WY | Ruiz, Myla - Rock Springs, WY |
Brough, Samantha - Rock Springs, WY | Hurdsman, Kyler - Mountain View, WY | Sanchez, Caden - Green River, WY |
Brown, Trinity - Mountain View, WY | Ibeneme, Blessing - Maputo, | Savic, Predrag - Svrljig, |
Burgess, Eliza - Green River, WY | Islas Sanchez, Jose - Rock Springs, WY | Schmid, Lisa - Rock Springs, WY |
Butcher, Trenten - Rock Springs, WY | Iwen, Hale - Green River, WY | Schwendiman, Eric - Lyman, WY |
Carlson, Ashtyn - West Point, UT | Jackson, Hannah - Lyman, WY | Serrano, Kristinah - Green River, WY |
Carmine, Krystal - Rock Springs, WY | James, Garrett - Green River, WY | Shipp, Caitlynn - Rock Springs, WY |
Castillon, Kolter - Rock Springs, WY | Jiron, Dominique - Sinclair, WY | Simek, Byron - Rock Springs, WY |
Cecil, Tricia - Rock Springs, WY | Jones, James - Rock Springs, WY | Slagowski, Ross - Farson, WY |
Cheney, Savannah - Rock Springs, WY | Jordan, Dahlia - Rock Springs, WY | Sleight, Matthew - Rock Springs, WY |
Christensen, Conway - Salt Lake City, UT | Jorgensen, Reagan - Lehi, UT | Smith, Joseph - Rock Springs, WY |
Chrusciel, Stuart - Rock Springs, WY | Keil, Jackson - Sterling, CO | Smith, Matthew - Farson, WY |
Clark, Courtney - Green River, WY | Kendall, Landen - Rock Springs, WY | Stotts, Simeon - Farson, WY |
Clawson, Parker - Rock Springs, WY | Kennah, Abigail - Green River, WY | Strauss, Brianna - Green River, WY |
Clegg, Teigra - Etna, WY | Kropf, McKenna - Green River, WY | Strauss, Kayde - Green River, WY |
Click, Kaleb - Rock Springs, WY | Layne, Paige - Rock Springs, WY | Suess, Jacob - Evansville, WY |
Clyde, Heath - Heber City, UT | Lee, Heaven - Afton, WY | Sullivan, Heston - Milford, UT |
Coburn, Dylan - Rock Springs, WY | Lennox, Maxine - Lovell, WY | Thornton, Leiana - Kahului, HI |
Cottam, Hannah - Mountain View, WY | Leonard, Samuel - Rock Springs, WY | Tinajero, Kyara - Ogden, UT |
Cox, Lindsey - Rock Springs, WY | Lewis, Jessica - Rock Springs, WY | Tomich, Jason - Rock Springs, WY |
Coy, Ethan - Kimberly, ID | Linch, Samantha - Rock Springs, WY | Torres, Kaitlinn - Evanston, WY |
Curtis, Emma - Rock Springs, WY | Lucero, Edward - Green River, WY | Travis, Lillian - Green River, WY |
Daggett, Paxton - Greeley, CO | Lunetto, Savanna - Pocatello, ID | Turner, Abbie - Evanston, WY |
Dalton, Thomas - Green River, WY | Luthi, Kameron - Cokeville, WY | Turner, Josephyne - Rock Springs, WY |
Davidson, Rhett - Rock Springs, WY | Luthi, Karson - Cokeville, WY | Urlacher, Rachael - Rock Springs, WY |
Davis, James - Green River, WY | Magana, Cesar - Green River, WY | VanDyke, AnDee - Caineville, UT |
DeVree, Lillie - Rock Springs, WY | Mandujano, Marcos - Green River, WY | Vasquez, Brandy - Rock Springs, WY |
DeWitt, Hagen - Mountain View, WY | Martinez, Garett - Rock Springs, WY | Vermeulen, Nyah - Abbotsford, |
Doroha , Carley - Rock Springs, WY | Martinez-Ortiz, Stephanie - Rock Springs, WY | Wardle, River - Heber City, UT |
Duckwitz, Kaden - Rock Springs, WY | Maser, Austyn - Green River, WY | Ware, Trenton - Rock Springs, WY |
Espinoza-Celis, Nadia - Rock Springs, WY | Mason, Riley - Pinedale, WY | Wheeler, Dakotta - Rock Springs, WY |
Fassett, Brian - Green River, WY | McDermott, Wyatt - Thermopolis, WY | White, Brookelynn - Cheyenne, WY |
Fields, Tyle - Rock Springs, WY | McGraw, Leila - Big Piney, WY | Whiting, Joedie - Rock Springs, WY |
Flansburg, Ethan - Rock Springs, WY | McPhee, Edward - Denver, CO | Wilcox, Ava - Providence, UT |
Fleetwood, Robert - Rawlins, WY | Mendez, Heber - Rock Springs, WY | Williams, Brian - Lyman, WY |
Fowler, Charlotte - Green River, WY | Messick, Skylar - Rock Springs, WY | Winkler, Aubrie - Fort Bridger, WY |
French, Kaydence - Evanston, WY | Miller, Magnus - Rock Springs, WY | Winters, Andrew - Green River, WY |
Frye, Shandalyn - GREEN RIVER, WY | Moneyhun, Aaron - Rock Springs, WY | Zuck, Laci - Rock Springs, WY |
Fuentes, Jacob - Carlsbad, NM | Montoya, Savannah - Rock Springs, WY | Zuniga, Israel - Big Piney, WY |
Western Student Leader Groups
Alexandra Riley - SGA President, Jocelyn Johnson - SGA Vice President, Jacey Webb - Secretary, Jennifer Ramos - Treasurer, Andy Mei - Senate Speaker, Aimee Skaggs - CAB Coordinator, Richard Buckson, Tegan Conover, Perla Covarrubias, Callee Hill, Samantha McGee, Cole Barnes, Lachlan Johnson, Abigail Doxey, Ashley Delgadillo, Bradyn Conover, Evin Hansen, Jayson Klepper, Tyler Camphouse, Willow LaRocco
Jaxon Peacock- Head Resident Assistant, Ethan Coy- Lead Resident Assistant, Olivia Nielsen- Lead Resident Assistant. Richard Buckson, Aubrie Winkler, Raven Heaton, Samantha McGee, Abbigail Alvord, Angelina Vitanza, Bradyn Conover, Jocelyn Johnson, Kyler Hurdsman, Rylee Leavitt, Tariq Kembo.
Aimee Skaggs - Student Ambassador Team Lead, Alex Riley, Callee Hill, Crystal Aguilar, Hunter Gross, Jayson Klepper, Kyler Hurdsman, Maria Elsen, Richard Buckson, Tegan Conover, Tyler Camphouse, Willow LaRocco
Phi Theta Kappa
Sigma Ki Chapter - Western Wyoming Community College
Haruka Aoki
Shae Bardsley
Eleanor Barry
Joshua Dollar
Duncan Elder
Wyatt Fletcher
Noah Harris
Kaitlyn Hiatt
Regina Hoogendoorn
Nana Ito
Shawn Keller
Yuki Kondo
Shanndan Lamorie
Norma Moreno
Brittany Pope
Whitney Prior
Prince Shyaka
Abigail Soliday
Akiho Tokuda
Allyson Turner
Amanda Valles
Jorja Warembourg