Policy 7710B


Reference: None

The Board encourages the participation of its members at appropriate conferences, conventions and workshops. However, in order to control both the investment of time and funds necessary to implement this policy, the Board establishes the following:

A calendar of conferences, conventions and workshops shall be maintained by the College President. The Board will periodically decide which meetings appear to be most promising in terms of producing benefits and select those in which it will participate.

Funds for participation at such meetings will be budgeted on an annual basis. When funds are limited, the Board will designate which of its members would be the most appropriate to participate at a given meeting. Board members will be reimbursed for travel and other expenses in accordance with Board policy 3910A.

When a conference, convention or workshop is not attended by the full Board, those who do participate will report on the meeting.

Original Adoption: January 26, 1989
Revised: August 8, 2002
Last Revision: May 8, 2014