Policy 7210F


Reference: W. S. § 21-18-303(a)(xii); 22-18-111(b)

A vacancy will be declared on the Board if any member becomes a non­resident of the district or the subdistrict from which they are elected, or for other reasons listed in law. Vacancies due to resignation will be effective the date the resignation is accepted by the Board.

Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Board of Trustees, the Board shall choose a person to fill the vacancy.

The remaining members of the Board shall, within 30 days, choose a person to fill the vacancy and serve until the next election, when a successor trustee shall be elected to fill the unexpired term. The appointee must qualify as to residence.

The Board shall identify a schedule for appointment and criteria for procedures to publicize the opening and provide information to prospective candidates, which will be implemented by the Board President.

Should the Board fail to fill the vacancy as required by law, the Sweetwater Board of County Commissioners is required to fill the vacancy.

Original Adoption: January 26, 1989
Revised: May 8, 2014
Revised: July 20, 2022