Policy 7110B


The College follows a set of Guiding Principles to express its values in governance, decision making, and future planning.

The Guiding Principles read as follows:

  1. Learning is Our Purpose

Our primary purpose is to provide high-quality experiences that foster lifelong learning.  We offer a comprehensive array of learning outcomes and options, assessed through our five Goals for Student Success.

  1. Students Are Our Focus

When students succeed, Western succeeds.  We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse student population and creating an environment that is welcoming and student-centered. 

  1. Employees are our Most Important Resource

Western strives to attract, retain, and recognize our talent.  We value and encourage professional development and career progression for employee enrichment, and invite participation in our shared governance processes. 

  1. The Community is Our Partner

We partner with our service area community members, organizations, businesses, and industries to ensure relevant programs, expand workforce training opportunities, and enhance economic development.

  1. Adapting to Change Defines Our Future

The world is consistently changing, and Western strives to meet the changing demands of our students and communities by encouraging and supporting innovation and continuous improvement in everything we do. 

  1. Data and Integrity Guide Our Decisions

We approach decision-making by analyzing a variety of data, gathering multiple perspectives, and implementing solutions in a transparent and ethical manner.  Respect and integrity are highly-regarded values in how we do business. 

Upon review, the Guiding Principles of the College shall be revised or affirmed each calendar year.

The College President shall ensure that the Guiding Principles are published in the catalog, on the College website, and other appropriate venues.

Adopted January 14, 2016
Revised July 21, 2021