Policy 7210A


Reference: W.S. § 21-18-301; 21-18-310; 21-18-312; WCCC Chapter 6, Section 4

The Western Wyoming Community College District, which operates Western Wyoming Community College, is a legally defined area including all of Sweetwater County, Wyoming.

The College was created by a vote of the people of School District No. 4 in Sweetwater County in 1959, according to the Wyoming School Laws. The College officially began operation as the Western Wyoming Junior College in September of 1959. On September 29, 1964, the voters of Sweetwater County elected to create a separate Community College District, to include the whole Sweetwater County. On July 1, 1965, the College was officially designated WESTERN WYOMING COMMUNITY COLLEGE, STATE OF WYOMING.

Official Name of the District
The official and legal name of the College District is WESTERN WYOMING COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT, STATE OF WYOMING.

Operating Name of the District
The operating name of the District shall be WESTERN WYOMING COMMUNITY COLLEGE. This name shall be used for publicity purposes, but the legal name of the College remains unchanged.

Original Adoption: June 10, 1989
Last Revision: May 8, 2014