Policy 7410E


Agendas shall be developed for all meetings of the Board. The order of business at all meetings shall be as indicated on the agenda, unless altered by the majority vote of the Board members present.

Additions or deletions to the agenda for a meeting may be made by a majority vote of the Board members present.

Agendas for Board meetings will be prepared by the Board President and the College President.

The agenda for all regular meetings shall be available to all Board members, Board attorney, administrators and the news media at least 72 hours prior to the meeting under the direction of the College President. Reasonable effort will be made to notify the public of Emergency meetings.

Any person attending a regular meeting will be given an agenda upon request.

Persons with special needs may call the President’s Office in advance for accommodations.

Adopted: January 26, 1989
Reformatted: April 29, 2010
Revised: November 13, 2014