Policy 7210D
Reference: W. S. § 21-18-308(b)(c); 22-22-102(a); 22-22-301; WCCC Chapter Sect 3,(b)(iv)
Board members shall be elected in accordance with State law.
Board members shall be elected from the subdistricts and the district in accordance with the most recent census. By law the election is held on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November in general election years.
The College district is Sweetwater County and is divided into two (2) subdistricts. These subdistricts coincide with the areas of the two school districts within Sweetwater County known as School District #1 and School District #2.
Until a census requires otherwise, the Board shall consist of four (4) members elected from the residents of the subdistrict “School District #1”, two (2) members elected from the residents of the subdistrict “School District #2”, and one (1) member at large elected from the residents of the district “Sweetwater County”.
Qualified electors of the entire district may vote for candidates from each subdistrict and the district.
A regular term of office is four (4) years. The terms are staggered in accordance with State law.
The regular term of office begins at 12:00 noon on the first day of December following the election.
Original Adoption: June 10, 1989
Revised: May 28, 1998
Last Revision: May 8, 2014