Policy 7110E
References: Wyoming Statute: §21-18-202(v); §21-18-202(C)(v)(A)
The Board, in its commitment to Western Wyoming Community College’s mission, shall work with the administration of the College to annually review its strategic priorities. These strategic priorities shall be incorporated into the College’s Strategic Plan. When necessary, the Board shall require that the College revise the Strategic Plan to reflect the strategic direction of the College. This plan shall align the decision-making, resource allocation, and communication of direction to the College and other stakeholders.
The Strategic Plan shall reflect the accomplishments and planned strategies to meet the College’s Mission and Vision Statements. Benchmarking data will be identified and key performance indicators (KPIs) shall be assigned to evaluate progress. Members of the College responsible for the various portions of the Strategic Plan shall be invited to the Board at regular intervals to provide updates to the Board on progress and opportunities to enhance student success. The dates of the plan shall roll forward with each annual adoption.
The Strategic Plan and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the College shall be reviewed annually by the Board to ensure that they reflect current and future needs and values. Upon review, the Strategic Plan and KPIs shall be revised or affirmed during a regular Board of Trustees meeting each calendar year.
The College President shall ensure that the Strategic Plan is published on the College website and other appropriate venues.
Adopted: January 14, 2016
Revised: July 21, 2021
Procedure 7110E
Reference: Policy 7110E: Strategic Plan
As required by policy, the mission statement, vision, and guiding principles will be reviewed annually for relevancy and currency. This reflection is not intended to wordsmith the mission statement, vision, and guiding principles. It is to evaluate whether the current statements still express why the institution exists and what operations are necessary to achieve its objectives.
The following steps may be incorporated by the institution when reviewing a current strategic plan or developing a new strategic plan:
- Identify the College’s strategic position: Is the institution on target to achieve those priorities? Did some event(s) occur that precluded the institution from reaching its target? Are the targets realistic or is there a need for adjustment?
- Gather people and information: Determine who will be involved in the planning process and who has information necessary for decision-making and present said information to the team. This team shall examine any internal or external issues that could possibly affect success in achieving its strategic plan.
- Perform a SWOT analysis: Identify the College’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that could or did arise that have changed the institution’s priorities. Once the team has identified the SWOT, the team shall decide whether changes to the current strategic priorities need to be acted upon or develop new priorities for a new strategic plan (developing new priorities should only occur at the end of one plan bridging to a new plan.)
- Review or Formulate a new Strategic Plan: Consider which initiatives will have the greatest impact on the College and which will help improve its position with its stakeholders. The team will consider which initiatives are most urgent and put these at the front of the line. The team will also review the current steps being used to determine and measure progress. Are there measurable goals that can visibly demonstrate improvements as they occur?
- Share the strategic planning success: Communicate to internal and external stakeholders how well the institution is meeting its strategic priorities/goals. These may include informal meetings, via the College’s webpage, presentations to community groups, etc. However, the College President and this team shall report out no later than the May regular Board meeting its findings and next steps so that the Board may assess what goals the Board needs to incorporate into its work for the next academic year.
Adopted: July 21, 2021