Policy 7310A


In accordance with Wyoming State Statute, the Board of Trustees shall hold an organizational meeting.

At the December Board meeting, the Board shall conduct organizational business as provided below. The meeting shall be chaired by the current Board President until a new Board President is elected.

The officers of the Board shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Election shall be by voice vote unless a roll call or ballot vote is requested by any Board member. Nominations shall be made from the floor. A nominee must receive a majority vote of Board members for election to office. Should no nominee receive a majority vote, the election shall be declared null and void. Additional nominations may then be made and the vote shall be retaken.

Following the election of officers, the Board shall consider such other items of business as are scheduled on the agenda, including but not limited to:

  • Scheduling of regular meetings for the next year.
  • Designation of official newspaper for the district.

Should an office become vacant between organizational meetings, the office shall be filled in the same manner described above.

Original Adoption: January 26, 1989
Revised: December 14, 1989
Revised: May 8, 2014
Revised: July 20, 2022