Policy 7410A


Reference: W.S. § 16-4-404(a-d) as amended July 1, 2012

The Board shall schedule regular meetings to be held at least monthly and special meetings as deemed necessary.

All meetings of the Board, with the exception of executive sessions, shall be open to the public.

A “meeting” shall mean an assembly of at least a quorum of the Board which has been called and properly noticed by the president of the Board (or, in the absence of the president or in the event of the president’s death, inability or refusal to act, the vice president of the Board) for the expressed purpose of discussion, deliberation, presentation of information or taking action regarding public business.

Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at least monthly. The annual schedule of regular meetings shall be determined at the Board’s yearly organization meeting.

Electronic or written notice of all regular Board meetings shall be given to each member of the Board and to any person who has made a written request to the Board for notice of regular meetings. Such a request will be renewed annually.

Regular meetings may be rescheduled as to time, date or location upon electronic or written notice to Board members and to persons who have requested notice of regular meetings.

Special Meetings
A special meeting may be called by giving electronic or written notice of the special meeting to each Board member and to each newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station requesting notice of special meetings of the Board.

The notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting, the business to be transacted, and shall be issued at least eight (8) hours prior to the commencement of the meeting. No other business shall be considered at a special meeting.

Emergency Meetings
An emergency meeting may be called by the Board president on matters of serious, immediate concern to take temporary action without notice. Reasonable effort will be made to offer public notice.

All action taken at an emergency meeting shall be of a temporary nature and in order to become permanent, must be reconsidered and acted upon at a public meeting within 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, unless the event constituting the emergency continues to exist after 48 hours. In such case the Board may reconsider and act upon the temporary action at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, but in no event later than 30 days from the date of the emergency action.

Recessed Meetings
The Board may recess any regular, special, or recessed regular or special meeting, to a place and at a time specified in an order of recess. A copy of the order of recess shall be conspicuously posted on or near the door of the place where the meeting or recessed meeting was held.

Original Adoption: January 26, 1989
Revised: August 24, 1989
Revised: August 8, 2002
Revised: November 8, 2012
Last: Revision May 8, 2014