Policy 7210C


Reference: W.S. § 21-18-302 (b), 21-18-304

Authority of individual Board Members is necessarily limited.

Because all powers of the Board lie in its action as a group, individual Board members exercise their authority over district affairs only as they vote at a legal meeting of the Board. A member may not commit the Board to any course of action or attempt to direct the work of any employee.

Because all powers of the Board lie in its action as a group, members of the Board are unable to solve complaints individually or deal independently with those who may have complaints about College operations or employees.

Complaints of a serious nature should be submitted in writing and presented to the Board as a whole, provided all administrative remedies have been exhausted. No one shall be deprived of the right to present complaints to the Board provided administrative remedies are not satisfactory to the complainant.

See also:
Policy 5430B Academic Grievance
Policy 5430C Non Academic Grievance

Adopted: January 26, 1989
Reformatted: April 29, 2010
Revised: November 13, 2014