Policy 3810A


References:  Internal Revenue Code and Regulations and Securities and Exchange Commission’s Rule 15C2-12; Wyoming State Statutes: §21-16-706 – §21-16-711; §21-16-1301 – §21-16-1312; §21-16-1501; §21-18-202;  §21-18-303 - §21-18-304; §21-18-311;  §21-18-313 - §21-18-315; §21-18-403 - §21-18-409.

The Board of Trustees shall approve any income source received by Western Wyoming Community College, (the College).  This potential income includes: all tuition and fees mill levy’s, bonds, and grants of $50,000 or more. 

The Wyoming Community College Commission (WCCC) sets the tuition for the Wyoming community colleges per Wyoming State Statute 21-18-202.

The Board of Trustees approves all fees, including required student fees, course fees, housing fees, Children’s Center fees and facility use fees.

Mill Levy’s
The Board of Trustees must approve assessed mills each biennium.

Community college boards are authorized to issue general obligation (municipal) bonds and revenue bonds.

The College encourages applications for grants of monies for the purpose of furthering the College’s mission with fiscal resources other than the current fund.

Gifts and Bequests
It is the policy of the College to consider acceptance of all gift funds, gifts and bequests.  The Board reserves the right to decline gift funds, gifts or bequests.

The College President shall promulgate procedures as necessary to implement this policy.  All tuition and student fees information shall be posted on the College website.

Adopted July 19, 1989
Reformatted April 27, 2010
Revised November 10, 2022

Procedure 3810A


Reference: Board Policy 3810A

Mill Levy
Per Wyoming State Statute 21-18-303, for each biennium, the Board shall set the mill levy for the College. As part of the budget adoption process, the College President shall recommend to the Board a mill levy sufficient to fund the proposed budget of the College. The recommended mill levy, however, shall not exceed the limits set by Wyoming statutes.

In accordance with Wyoming State Statute 21-18-202, the Wyoming Community College Commission (WCCC) has the authority and responsibility for setting the tuition rates for the Wyoming community colleges, including Western Wyoming Community College. The WCCC procedures on setting tuition are further defined in WCCC Rule 3: General Functions, Section 4: Establishing Tuition Rates.

Although the Board of Trustees of the College do not have the authority to set tuition rates, the Board believes keeping a higher education affordable is a cornerstone of the community college mission. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the Board to consider pending changes to tuition at the College, and where appropriate take a position on those changes and direct the College President to communicate the Board’s position to the WCCC and other pertinent individuals and groups.

For more information on tuition schedules, including residency classifications, see Policy 5230A.

The Board shall annually, or at such other times as may be deemed necessary, establish and set a schedule of fees. These fees include required student fees, course fees, housing fees, Children’s Center fees and facility use fees.  The Board reserves the right to change fees as deemed necessary.

Required Student Fees
Required student fees are included in the cost of tuition although they are not governed by the WCCC.  These fees allow the College to provide services to students including, but not limited to, advising, student government, student activities, student health, and technology services. A list of required student fees is available in the Registration and Records office.

Course Fees
Course fees are specifically dedicated to the purpose stated and are assessed upon student registration for the course.  A list of current course fees is available in the College catalog.

Housing Fees
Housing fees include room rent and fees for additional amenities such as laundry facilities and computer labs.  Housing costs are available on the website or from the Housing office.

Facility Use Fees
Fees are charged for use of the facility by external groups.  The list of facility use fees is available from the Physical Resource office.  For more information on facility use, see Policy 1330A.

Per Wyoming State Statute 21-18-303, community college boards are authorized to issue general obligation (municipal) and revenue bonds. The Board requires the College to comply with all relevant federal, state, and local laws regarding municipal and revenue bonds by adopting written rules that are intended to assure that appropriate compliance measures are implemented by such issuers after their bonds have been issued.

Gifts and Bequests
Gifts or bequests made to the College will be considered by the College President or, at their discretion, the Board of Trustees.  The Board reserves the right to decline gifts or bequests.

The College established the Western Wyoming College Foundation (WWCF) for the purpose of receiving gifts, bequests, and donations to be used exclusively for educational purposes at the College. The WWCF is incorporated as a distinct body for the above purposes. Certain tax advantages are available to donors who contribute to the Foundation.  Gifts or bequests made to the Foundation will be considered by the Foundation Board.

The College encourages applications for grants of monies for the purpose of furthering the College’s mission. The Board of Trustees must accept grants of $50,000 or more.

 If a grant is approved and funded, the College shall maintain supervisory and financial authority over the grant and its administration.  All publications, documents, and/or any other products generated as a result of the grant become the property of the College, subject to ownership conditions stipulated by the granting agency.  The Administration, however, may negotiate ownership agreements with the grant author if it appears to be in the best interest of the College.  Such agreements are subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.

Adopted July 19, 1989
Reformatted April 27, 2010
Revised November 10, 2022