Policy 3910B
The College encourages research and developmental activities to promote institutional growth that supports our mission and Strategic Plan. Some of these activities may be funded by federal, state, local, and private grants, referred to as sponsored awards.
It is the policy of the College to provide guidelines and required procedures on the solicitation, acquisition, and management of sponsored awards. All regulations and requirements of a proposed sponsored award must be reviewed and approved, by the President or designee, prior to acceptance of an award. Any activities under the award must be consistent with the College's mission and strategic priorities. All sponsored awards must adhere to the hierarchy of compliance, which is as follows: (1) sponsored award agreement, (2) Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 2 CFR 200, (3) any applicable state or local laws and regulations, and (4) institutional policies and procedures. Willful provision of false information in a federal award application and its supporting documents or in reports required under an ensuing award is a criminal offense (U. S. Code, Title 18, §1001).
All publications, documents, and/or other products generated by the sponsored award become the property of the College subject to ownership conditions stipulated by the granting agency. The administration, however, may negotiate ownership agreements with the sponsored award author if it is in the best interest of the College. Such agreements are subject to approval of the Board of Trustees.
Adopted July 19, 1989
Reformatted April 27, 2010
Revised March 2024
Procedure 3910B
The College encourages research and developmental activities to promote institutional growth that supports our mission and Strategic Plan. Some of these activities may be funded by federal, state, local, and private grants, referred to as sponsored awards.
It is the policy of the College to provide guidelines and required procedures on the solicitation, acquisition, and management of sponsored awards. All regulations and requirements of a proposed sponsored award must be reviewed and approved, by the President or designee, prior to acceptance of an award. Any activities under the award must be consistent with the College's mission and strategic priorities. All sponsored awards must adhere to the hierarchy of compliance, which is as follows: (1) sponsored award agreement, (2) Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 2 CFR 200, (3) any applicable state or local laws and regulations, and (4) institutional policies and procedures. Willful provision of false information in a federal award application and its supporting documents or in reports required under an ensuing award is a criminal offense (U. S. Code, Title 18, §1001).
The Sponsored Award Management procedure is designed by the College to help manage new and established sponsored awards. This procedure will help provide a quick reference to answer general questions regarding the execution of and resources available to achieve the outcomes and goals of a sponsored award and to assist a Grant Manager in compliance with federal, state, local regulations and the polices of the College.
The procedure introduces related topics required to be followed in the Sponsored Award Management Procedure Manual.
Pre-award constitutes anything that facilitates a proposal's creation and submission, prior to the award being received.
Award & Post-Award
The award is an amount of money that the College receives from an agency for a particular purpose.
The post-award phase comprises a significant amount of work over the duration of the award dates, which includes implementing the grant, reporting progress, and completing the closeout requirements. This phase may include but is not limited to the following:
- Approval and acceptance
- Account establishment
- Performance management and reporting
- Fiscal management
- Personnel compensation (time and effort) reporting
- Federally funded equipment
Institutional Compliance
It is the policy of the College to comply with regulations governing external funds, including institutional compliance requirements for sponsored awards. Appropriate verification and documentation of institutional requirements and the development and management of internal controls and systems to support administration, oversight, and compliance reporting ensure the ability of the College to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements.
Adopted July 19, 1989
Reformatted April 27, 2010
Revised March 2024