Exercise Science FAQs

Why choose Western's Exercise Science program over other community colleges or university programs?

Students have the opportunity to apply what they are learning in the classroom to hands-on experiences every semester.  Through class assignments, practicum experiences and community events hosted by the Exercise Science program, students will work with individuals of various ages and backgrounds while learning the challenges and excitement of implementing individualized fitness programs, fitness testing and community wellness programming.  As part of lab experiences, students will evaluate research, conduct and participate in data collection in a number of fitness testing, such as RMR,  V02 submax and max testing, to name a few.  

How many practicum hours can I obtain through the Exercise Science Program? 

Students who complete our program leave with a minimum of 160 practicum hours (a student can obtain as many hours over this as they would like), experience in fitness/movement screening, fitness testing, group fitness teaching, training one on one, and leadership experience. 

What kinds of certifications can I obtain as the result of the knowledge and experience I will gain through the Exercise Science program at Western?

The program and experiences prepare the students with the knowledge to sit for the ACE Personal Trainer and/or ACE Group Fitness exams. In addition, we provide opportunities, for students who are interested, to attend conferences where students have the additional opportunity to complete specialized certifications in areas such as Spinning, Yoga, Tabata, to name a few. 

Will all the KIN courses transfer to my four year institution of choice?

We can not guarantee all the KIN courses will transfer and be accepted in place of one of the core required courses at your transfer institution (but all credits transfer).  However, our alumni students indicate that our courses were valuable by preparing them to be successful at the transfer institution.  Many of them report being hired as TAs for Exercise Physiology and related courses, and report having a greater understanding of the material than their classmates allowing them to excel in their transfer programs.