Policy 5460B
Effective Date
January 2016
Last Revision Date
November 2024
Policy Owner
VP for Student Services
External Authority
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973
1. Policy & Purpose
Western Wyoming Community College is committed to providing reasonable accommodation and modifications for individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (“ADA”) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”).
Western prohibits unlawful discrimination against qualified students with disabilities (as defined by applicable law) and encourages their full participation within the Western community. All faculty, staff and administrators will actively support students with disabilities in all educational programs, services, and activities, in cases where such support is readily achievable and is not an undue burden.
A student with a disability who believes accommodation is necessary to complete the educational process should contact the Accessibility & Disability Specialist in Western’s Wellbeing & Accessibility office to apply for accommodation. Western will engage with students with disabilities to determine and provide appropriate, reasonable accommodation in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws.
Last Review Date
November 2024
Approved: January 14, 2016
Revised: March 18, 2019
Revised November 2024
Procedure 5460B
Effective Date
January 2016
Last Revision Date
November 2024
Policy Owner
VP for Student Services
External Authority
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973
1. Procedure
An individual with a disability is defined as a person who has (or is regarded as having) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, controlling bodily functions, and working.
All students, including those with disabilities, must meet required normal and essential academic standards for class admission and participation in post-secondary programs and activities.
Confidentiality of Disability Records
Information concerning student disabilities, including medical statements and clinical records will be kept confidential in accordance with applicable laws. Information concerning student disabilities may be released to Western personnel on an as-needed basis for legitimate educational and compliance reasons, to safety and health personnel if emergency treatment is needed, to government or Western officials investigating compliance with applicable disability law upon request, and as may be required by law. Wellbeing & Accessibility staff and Western personnel may access student educational records including medical statements and clinical records for legitimate educational purposes only. Students may sign a release of information form for any other disclosures and may revoke consent in writing at any time.
Requesting Academic Accommodation
Students requesting accommodation should take the following steps:
- Fill out an application for accommodation. Students may request an application by calling 307-382-1806, e-mailing wellaccess@westernwyoming.edu, or by visiting the Wellbeing & Accessibility Office at 2500 College Drive, Room 1227, Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901.
- Schedule an intake meeting. Students must meet with the Accessibility & Disability Specialist to discuss their accommodation needs.
- Provide documentation. Students must provide documentation of their disability and
need for accommodation. Documentation may include (but is not limited to):
- Individualized Educational Programs
- Section 504 Plans
- Medical records/evaluations
- Mental health records/evaluations
- Vocational rehabilitation evaluations and recommendations.
Students have the option of bringing this documentation to the intake meeting or signing a release of information for the Accessibility & Disability Specialist to obtain the information directly from their provider.
Determination of Eligibility
Determination of eligibility for accommodation will be made by the Accessibility & Disability Specialist. Eligibility determinations will be made within 10 working days of the date all required information is provided to the Wellbeing & Accessibility Office. The Accessibility & Disability Specialist will take the following steps:
- The student will be informed by written notice whether or not they are eligible for accommodation.
- If the student is eligible, the student’s name and list of accommodation will be e-mailed
to the student, and personnel having a legitimate educational interest including (but
not limited to):
- Instructors
- Peer Tutor Center and/or Writing Center Employees
- Outreach Staff
- Center for Teaching and Learning Staff
- Housing Staff
- Testing Center Staff
- If the student is not eligible, the student will receive written notification explaining why they do not qualify for accommodation.
Student Responsibilities for Accommodation
Students are responsible for the following:
- Informing their instructors in writing of their desire to use their accommodation at least 48 hours in advance.
- Notifying the Testing Center, or a suitable and approved facility, at least 48 hours in advance when they need to access testing accommodation.
- Updating their accommodation every semester.
- Contacting the Accessibility & Disability Specialist if the student needs additional accommodation, or is having trouble accessing an accommodation.
Instructor Responsibilities for Accommodation
Instructors are responsible for the following:
- Identifying a volunteer note-taker, if needed.
- Ensuring that the accommodation does not compromise the integrity of the course.
- Providing only the accommodation identified for qualifying students.
- Contacting the Accessibility & Disability Specialist if there are any questions about accommodation.
- Providing online course content in an accessible format.
- Keeping student information confidential.
Course Substitutions
Western provides reasonable modifications to the academic requirements of a course of study if these requirements have a discriminatory impact on a student with a disability. Western does not waive or change requirements if they are essential to the course or if the changes would fundamentally alter the program. Students with disabilities may apply for appropriate course substitutions for required courses.
Students must apply for course substitutions at least eight (8) weeks prior to the semester for which the modification is desired. Applications are available in the Wellbeing & Accessibility Office. In addition to the application, students must provide the following:
- Verification from a qualified medical provider that the student has a disability and related need for academic modification. The medical documentation must be current.
- A letter stating which class the student would like substituted and why.
- Documentation, if any, that the student attempted the same or similar classes, with or without accommodation and/or tutoring, and the results of that attempt.
Course substitutions will not automatically be granted based upon disability status. The Accessibility & Disability Specialist, in coordination with the supervising Vice president, and at least one representative from the student’s chosen academic program will consider each request individually. The request will be considered in light of the impact on the integrity of the program, whether or not the course is a prerequisite for an upcoming course, the core expected responsibilities of an individual working within the certification or degree field, and other lawful and appropriate case-by-case considerations.
Possible course substitutions will be identified by the supervising vice president and school chair of the student’s academic program. The student will be responsible for checking with their transferring university to determine if their course substitution will impact future degree requirements.
Students will be informed of the course substitution approval or denial in writing within forty-five (45) working days of their completed application to Wellbeing &Accessibility.
Students with concerns about their accommodation should first contact the Accessibility & Disability Specialist to have an informal discussion and make a plan to resolve the concern. This informal discussion is normally the quickest and most effective way to resolve situations that arise. The Accessibility & Disability Specialist may:
- Mediate a solution between the student and faculty/employee.
- Counsel the student in self-advocacy skills (if the student would like to attempt to resolve the situation on their own).
- Refer the situation to the Director of Wellbeing and Accessibility.
- Discuss alternative solutions with the student.
- Refer the student to outside agencies that can help the student.
In the event the student is not able to resolve the situation through informal discussion, the student may submit an internal grievance pursuant to Procedure 2150A.3.
Western Wyoming Community College (the College) is an equal opportunity institution and as such, prohibits discrimination and harassment based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, political belief, or any other applicable protected category or activity. The College ensures non-discriminatory practices in all matters relating to its educational admissions, programs, services, and activities as well as in all terms and conditions of employment.
Last Review Date
November 2024
Approved: March 18, 2019
Revised: November 2024