Policy 5620A


The College supports and encourages student travel that is a part of the overall educational experience. These activities, when related to course or co-curricular offerings of the College, reinforce the emphasis placed upon active learning. 

Students shall adhere to the standards of conduct as referenced in College policy.   

Adopted: December 11, 2014
Reformatted: March 17, 2017
Revised: October 8, 2020

Procedure 5620A


The College may conduct student field trips and travel in connection with courses or College-related social, educational, cultural, athletic or musical performing arts activities.  Destinations include places in Wyoming or any other state, the District of Columbia or foreign countries. Such trips must be a part of the College’s educational and co-curricular planning. 

No travel shall be undertaken in any country where the State Department has issued a level 3 or 4 travel advisory.   If such conditions are known to occur after departure, the College reserves the right to cancel the travel and require traveling parties to return to the College.  If visiting a country with a level 2 travel advisory, the approving Vice President must notate the advisory level in his/her approval. 

All travelers are responsible for their own safety when traveling.  All travelers to international locations are encouraged to become familiar with political, health, and safety issues occurring in the destination country. 

All persons traveling must complete and submit a Travel Liability Waiver form to the group leader. 

The College will, according to established procedures, transport students, instructors, and other personnel via College-owned vehicles or contracted transportation services. 

Non-students may not be transported on College-operated trips without specific permission of the supervising Vice President or their designee.  Students may not be transported in non-College vehicles without permission of the supervising Vice President or their designee. 

All trips that are part of a College-sponsored activity or course must have an Absence from Campus approved by the appropriate administrator.   

All travelers have a responsibility to themselves to be aware at all times, no matter where they are, of what action steps they need to take in the event of an incident and their responsibility. 

A College employee must be designated as the responsible party for each trip.  This individual will be called the group leader.  This individual shall be responsible for collecting and submitting the Travel Waiver forms to the Vice President for Student Services with copies provided to Protective Services.  This form shall then be kept on file for a minimum of three years after the travel is complete and all travelers have returned.

When traveling outside the United States, the group leader must register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.  This is a free alert system from the State Department that notifies travelers of travel and safety alerts within the country the group is traveling.  

The group leader shall carry a copy of the completed Travel Waiver forms while traveling.  The group leader shall also carry contact information for the Dean of Students and Vice Presidents for Student Learning and Student Services.   

Adopted: December 11, 2014
Reformatted: March 17, 2017
Revised: October 8, 2020