Policy 5210A


Class attendance is important for successful achievement in college. Therefore, students are expected to attend all class sessions for each course in which they are enrolled and to make up any work they miss during excused absences. If a student misses too many classes (as defined in the instructor's attendance policy), an instructor may drop that student from the course during the drop period.

Students are responsible for all course requirements from the start of the course, not from the time at which they added a course to their schedule. Students who need their attendance record kept for any reason should notify the instructor. Furthermore, each instructor should establish an attendance policy for each course and publish it in the course syllabus. Instructors shall take into account the deadlines for adding and dropping courses and write a policy statement consistent with the College's drop/add policy.

Policy included in Western Wyoming Community College Catalog
Adopted: March 8, 1984
Revised: May 26, 1988
Revised: July 16, 2008
Revised: July 20, 2011
Revised: October 16, 2014
Reformatted: March 17, 2017

Procedure 5210A


Official excused absences are those that occur when students are representing the institution or are on College-sponsored trips (including athletics, field trips or other official travel). Other excused absences are those that occur for documentable medical, family emergency, religious obligations or jury duty. (Federal law states that jury duty and religious obligation constitute excused absences.) Activity sponsors and coaches should provide a schedule of activities and a list of participants at the beginning of the semester or block. The students must notify instructors one week in advance of scheduled absences or as soon as possible after excused absences. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the student's right to make up work.

A student is expected to make up work missed. In situations where the academic experience cannot be repeated or an equivalent educational experience cannot be offered or make-up work is not practical, the issue of class attendance may be resolved through a cooperative effort of the activity sponsor, the student and the instructor.

Appeals regarding attendance decisions shall be submitted to the appropriate Division Chair, the Vice President for Student Learning and the Vice President for Student Services. Their decision is final.

Procedure included in Western Wyoming Community College Catalog
Adopted: July 16, 2008
Revised: July 20, 2011
Revised: October 16, 2014
Reformatted: March 17, 2017