Policy 5110D


The College is committed to providing student information materials that accurately represent the institution, its accreditation status, as well as recruitment practices and policies. 

Adopted: October 8, 2020

Procedure 5110D 


1. Departments and/or programs desiring to develop and publish materials that represent the College are required to follow the standards outlined in the Publications Standards Manual.

2. The following are assumed practices in any of the College’s prospective student recruitment efforts:

a. All statements and representations are clear, factually accurate, and current.
b. Any claims regarding job placement and employment opportunities for graduates are accurate, factual and verifiable.
c. Program costs are accurately and clearly represented.
d. Information about the transfer of credit and acceptance of degrees attained at other institutions is accurate and clearly defined.
e. Program entrance requirements are accurately and clearly displayed.
f. Any independent contractors or agents used by the institution for recruiting purposes shall be governed by all of the College’s policies and procedures.

3. Disclosure of Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Affiliation Status:

a. The College maintains institutional accreditation only with HLC and prominently displays its accredited status by using the HLC Mark of Affiliation on the College’s website.
b. The College’s accreditation status with HLC is published in the Catalog and includes complete HLC contact information (URL, mailing address, and phone number).

4. Specialized Accreditation

a. All specialized accreditations will adhere to the requirements of its accrediting agency.

Adopted: October 8, 2020