Housing Price Comparison
Students living on campus save on average $662.16 per month on housing! Below is a comparison of average rates of apartment complexes in Rock Springs to average housing prices at Western Wyoming Community College:

On-Campus | Off-Campus | |
$514/mo* | RENT | $930/mo |
Included | ELECTRICITY | $104 |
Included | HEAT | $64.33 |
Included | INTERNET | $75 |
$7.50 | LAUNDRY | Included |
$3.88 | SUPPORT FEE | N/A |
$525.38 | TOTAL | $1,187.54 |
*On-Campus Rent: On campus rent per month is an average of all room options.
Off-Campus Rent: Average all unit costs for three large apartment complexes in Rock Springs, WY respectively (The Preserve, Sweetwater Heights, The Village at Silver Ridge). Each of those numbers was then averaged to get a monthly cost.
Off-Campus Transportation to Campus: Based on living 3 miles from campus and commuting to campus twice per day for five days per week at $3.84/gallon at 25MPG.
Off-Campus Utilities: (Electricity, heat, and internet) These are estimated costs based on the average of what various individuals spent over the past year.