Policy 1330A


References:  U.S. Constitution – First Amendment; Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR);  Wyoming Statutes: §12-4-502, §12-6-101 through §12-6-103, §21-18-303, §21-20-108(a)(i), §34.1-1-203, §34.1-2.A-101, §34.1-2.A-301, §34.1-2.A-507,  §35-1-103, §35-1-105, §35-1-222-§35-1-224, §35-1-229, §35-4-101, §35-4-103 to §35-4-114, 35-4-133, 35-4-134, §35-7-1036, §35-7-1039, §35-7-1056, §35-13-201

Western Wyoming Community College (the College) facilities and equipment, including all campus grounds, are used primarily for the support of the regular educational functions of the College and the activities necessary for the support of these functions.  College-sponsored functions take precedence over any other activities.  See the priorities for facility use in the appropriate procedure(s).

The College establishes regulations and set fees for the use of its equipment and facilities by the community.  Property used by College departments, schools, employees, students, volunteers or visitors belongs to the College as a whole and not to any College department or School to which it has been assigned or to any College employee, student, volunteer or visitor that has been granted permission to use said property.  College staff members shall be held accountable for any damage resulting from their negligence to property assigned to them and shall not lend such property or permit the property to pass out of the control of a College employee, except upon written permission from the Vice President for Administrative Services or their designee.

Requests for usage of College facilities, equipment, or materials by employees, students, or outside organizations shall be made to the appropriate office as per College procedures. Requested utilization not in conjunction with the College's role and mission, as designated in Wyoming statutes, shall be assessed charges for such usage.  The College reserves the right to deny usage of College facilities, equipment, or materials for purposes not conducive to the interest of the College, its employees, students, or community as a whole.  Unauthorized use or possession of College facilities, equipment, or materials is strictly forbidden.  Organizations may use College facilities; however, the College may deny or cancel any activity in preference to instructional or student activity programs which have priority.

Violation of this policy or College procedures by College employees may lead to disciplinary action or involvement of the local law enforcement.

Speech: Time, Place and Manner

The College supports the right of students and student organizations to examine and discuss all questions of interest and to express opinions publicly and privately as an exercise of their rights of free expression.  Administrative procedures to regulate reasonable time, place and manner of the exercise of free expression shall be provided to prevent infringement upon the rights of others or interference with regular and essential operations of College facilities and programs. 

Soliciting Funds on College Property

The College recognizes its role as a community resource and when possible, shall make its facilities and equipment available according to the regulations and procedures outlined in the appropriate procedure(s).  College facilities and equipment may not be used for the purpose of direct product sales not related to an authorized activity of the College or College groups, and no efforts at solicitation by uninvited non-campus groups or individuals will be permitted on campus.  Salespersons or agencies must have permission from the Vice President for Administrative Services to solicit on College property.

Advertising or Distributing Information on College Property

The College supports the principle that a college should be a "free" marketplace where ideas are expressed and debated.  This principle, therefore, will govern the College's policy on distributing information and advertising activities or products.

The Vice President for Administrative Services must approve both the distribution of information and the advertisement of activities or products.  The College will not approve any activity that may interfere with its operations.  Moreover, College facilities may not be used in any manner that involves the College in promoting or endorsing any ethnic, political, sectarian or religious position.

Alcohol or Tobacco Use/Smoking/Vaping/Illegal Substance Use

The College is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle and workplace environment and will support administrators, faculty, staff, and students.  Use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, other controlled substances, or paraphernalia is prohibited.  See Policy 1330C for more information.

The College President may choose to allow alcohol to be served at events in College facilities.  Approval must be obtained in advance of any event and only the College President can grant approval.  The College President will take requests into consideration based on the number and age of attendees, the purpose of the event, event supervision or security provisions, location, date and time of the event, and any other factors the College President deems relevant.  The College President’s decision is discretionary and final.  See Policy 1330B for more information. 

Adopted December 11, 1969
Revised November 10, 1976
Revised June 23, 1983
Reformatted June 26, 1986
Revised December 13, 2007
Reformatted April 9, 2010
Revised March 9, 2017
Revised July 15, 2020
Revised September 9, 2021
Revised November 10, 2022

Procedure 1330A.1


Reference: Policy 1330A

Individuals and organizations may request to use College facilities.  Certain fees, however, do apply.  The fee schedule is revised periodically and submitted for Board approval as part of the annual fee approval.

Facilities Use Scheduling
Facility Use Request forms, contracts, fee schedules, and procedures may be obtained from the Physical Resources Office Assistant on the Rock Springs campus and the Administration Office at the Green River Center.  All facility use requests must be submitted to the Facility Use Assistants in those offices.  Facility use requests must be submitted at least seven (7) business days in advance.

Priorities for Facilities Use
In order to assure appropriate scheduling among groups permitted to use College facilities, the following priorities will serve as guidelines: 

    • College classes, programs, and activities.
    • College-related activities including College-sponsored or co-sponsored organizations and events.
    • Non-profit, not-for-profit, or professional organizations that are non-political and non-commercial, according to the following priority:
      • School Districts;
      • Public education groups that engage in activities serving public education goals and objectives;
      • Local governmental entities.
    • Industries and businesses within the service area, however, product sales are prohibited; exceptions to the sales policy will be considered at the discretion of the College President or their designee.
    • Activities of a community service nature;
    • Other non-profit activities.
    • Political parties and candidates for public office, except that fundraising is prohibited.
    • Other organizations, groups, or individuals.

Note:   The College encourages and will give special priority to the use of its facilities for education or training.

Regulations and Limitations of Use

There are identified dates during the beginning and end of the semester and in the summer when the facility is not available for external booking.  The Physical Resources Office Assistant or Green River Center Administration office can provide annual dates.

Each group, organization, or individual using College facilities must abide by College policies and shall be subject to revocation of the privilege of using the facilities for failing to do so.  Entities or individuals may be charged for damage to the College or its equipment.

Only those individuals authorized by the College to do so will be allowed to move furniture and equipment in open, public areas.  Organizations or individuals using the facility are responsible for removing their property and cleaning the area or paying for the cost of cleaning the area.

Certain facilities will not be available for unsupervised community use.  These generally include shops, laboratories, computer labs, Rushmore Gymnasium, the Theatre, and other facilities with technical equipment or dangerous areas.

Regulations of Use: Specific Rock Springs Campus Facilities

The use of the gymnasium for other than College activities shall be limited during intercollegiate sports seasons.  (Between August 1 and March 15).

A minimum number of participants may be required for community use of the gymnasiums.  College supervision is required.

Swimming Pool
There will be a College employee on duty while the pool is in use.  A per hour fee will be charged.

One lifeguard is required for each 40 swimmers or participants, or until proper supervision is met.  Organizations may provide additional lifeguards if the lifeguards’ qualifications are accepted by the designated College official.

All posted safety rules must be observed.

Outdoor Recreation Facilities
Use of the soccer field, softball field, tennis courts and other outdoor recreation facilities, as well as the grounds in general must be scheduled by submitting the proper request forms to the Physical Resources Office Assistant.                       

Art Gallery
The Gallery supports the mission of the institution by providing exhibition space for instructional related activities.  Other uses will be considered by the Gallery Manager on a case-by-case basis.

All Theatre scheduling must be coordinated with the Theatre program and reserved through the Physical Resources Office Assistant.  Individuals or groups must adhere to all requirements in the Theatre Use Guidelines.  These guidelines can be obtained from the Performing Arts department.

Whisenand Student Center Guidelines (Atrium)
This center is primarily for the use of the students but is also a community resource and will be shared with the community.  The College will maintain a continuing review of the use of this facility to ensure that community use does not unduly interfere with student use.

Well-site and Training Center Facilities
Well-site facility scheduling must be coordinated through the Workforce Development office and reserved through the Physical Resources Office Assistant.  Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to administrative approval.

The Well-site facility is primarily for conducting College classes and serves as a hands-on educational space for multiple industry-related College programs.  The College recognizes that this type of unique facility may be requested by various industry groups for industry specific meetings and training not conducted by the College.  When possible, the facility will be made available for usage for these types of events.  

The Training Center is available for classes and workshops and can be reserved through the Physical Resources Office Assistant.

Radio and Television Broadcasting
With approval, radio and television operators may broadcast public College activities and use College equipment.  The department that is the primary custodian of the equipment must grant approval for broadcast and equipment use.  Broadcasting of non-public activities may be permitted by special approval of the College President or their designee.

Broadcast Approval
Broadcasts or telecasts must be approved by the appropriate department.  Special filming on the College campus of non-College-sponsored projects must be scheduled through the Student Marketing and Communications office and have the permission of the College President or their designee.  Requests should be made as far in advance as possible.

Use of Equipment
In most cases, broadcasters should provide their own equipment and operators.  When available, College equipment may be requested.  Certain fees may apply.  

The College will require groups using facilities to accept financial responsibility for any and all damages sustained during or as a result of an event.

A certificate of insurance will be required by the College for use of College facilities if, in the opinion of the Vice President for Administrative Services, such insurance is necessary to protect the College.  The decision to require a certificate of insurance will be based upon guidelines provided by the College’s insurance agency.

Weddings on Campus
Simple ceremonies and receptions may be held on-campus as long as one of the betrothed is a current or past employee, a current or past student or an alumni and the requested space is available.  The College does not wish to compete with local businesses, and cannot be expected to provide the level of service one might expect from a company involved in regularly providing for these events. 

Note:  The College cannot accommodate a wedding larger than 200 guests. 

Weddings can be held in either the Whisenand Student Center (Atrium) or Mitchell’s Dining Hall.  These spaces may be requested through the Physical Resources Office Assistant.

Weddings cannot be scheduled during periods when the College is closed or during holiday shut-down periods

The request is considered in the same fashion as any other request for facility use.  It may be granted if the requested location is available and there are no other major events on-campus at that time.

All requests must receive final approval from the College President.

All other arrangements must be made directly through Dining Services and/or the Custodial Services Supervisor.  While the basic set-up can be identified on the facility use form, the Physical Resources Office Assistant does not coordinate the set-up or other arrangements.  Appropriate fees will apply.

All policies and procedures must be adhered to, including those related to alcohol and tobacco use.

Weekend Facility Use in the Summer
Facility use requests for weekend events at the Rock Springs Campus or the Green River Center in the summer will be considered on a case by case basis. 

Proposals shall be submitted to the Physical Resources Office Assistant who will forward them to the College President, or their designee, for approval.  Approved events will have to pay facility use fees, adhere to facilities utilization guidelines, and may be asked to cover additional costs of keeping the building open during this time.

All requests for use of College facilities by the public shall be submitted to the Physical Resources Office Assistant.  Exceptions or special circumstances are approved by the College President or their designee.

Fee Schedules
The College will establish fee schedules.  The schedule is available online and through the Physical Resources Office Assistant.

Adoption: December 11, 1969
Revised: November 10, 1976
Revised: June 23, 1983
Reformatted: June 26, 1986
Revised: July 16, 2008
Reformatted: April 9, 2010
Revised: March 9, 2017
Revised: July 15, 2020
Revised: September 9, 2021

Procedure 1330A.2


Reference:       Policy 1330A: College Property

Western Wyoming Community College (the College) is committed to using College vehicles in an organized, deliberate, sustainable and economic manner in order to fulfill the College’s mission.  This procedure identifies who may utilize College vehicles and the expectations of use.  This procedure applies to any College-owned motor vehicle and any vehicle that is owned, rented or leased in the name of the College.

College employees and students representing the College may request use of the College’s motor vehicle fleet to travel on official College business or to represent the College.

Athletic Team:  A team of student athletes under the supervision of and coached by the College’s Athletic Department.

College community: College employees, students and recognized student groups.

Departmental trip coordinator: Functional title separate from the official position title designating that individual within the department sponsoring the student/team travel who is responsible for making travel arrangements, requesting any travel advances, disbursing any advance funds, and documenting and clearing any advances. This person may also participate in the travel. These actions of the departmental trip coordinator are subject to the prior approval of the College or department administrator.

Motor Vehicle Fleet: For the purpose of this procedure, this is defined as a group of motorized vehicles under the ownership of the College.

Organized and sponsored activity or event: An organized and sponsored activity or event is an activity or event that is: a) initiated, planned and arranged by a member of the College faculty or staff, or by the members of a registered student organization and; b) endorsed by the College either through providing financial support, or by sending student(s) to participate in the event as official representative(s) of the College.

Fleet Management
Vehicle maintenance and use shall be coordinated by the Physical Resources office. This maintenance shall include licensing of the vehicles, reporting of accidents, requests for repairs, requests for vehicles, etc.

Vehicles not in use may be checked out by a College employee for official College use.  The employee must complete the Absence From Campus (AFC) form online to request a vehicle.

Driver’s Responsibilities
The College employee or approved driver assumes full responsibility during the use of the vehicle.  This includes personal possession of a valid U.S. driver’s license, proper care of the vehicle, and personal responsibility for parking and traffic violations.

The College employee or approved driver is expected to operate the vehicle in compliance with existing traffic laws.  No College owned vehicle will be operated by an individual under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Smoking or other tobacco use is not permitted in the vehicle including the use of a “vape.”

Only College employees or approved occupants, i.e., student athletes, student organization members, etc., are allowed to be transported in a College owned vehicle.  Family members and pets are not allowed, unless it is an approved service animal.

Vehicles are not to be used off-road without written permission.  Vehicles are not to be used to tow any privately-owned vehicle or trailer(s).

Any accident must be reported immediately.  In case of an accident, the driver should first call the police (off-campus accident) or Protective Services (on-campus) to report an incident. (Protective Services will report the incident to the Physical Resources office.)  The driver’s direct supervisor should also be notified.  A copy of the current registration and insurance card is in the glove compartment and must be provided when asked.  Within 24 hours, the driver must fill out and submit an Accident Report Form, providing any additional information as requested, to Physical Resources.

Rented/Leased Vehicles
All rentals (including vehicles rented for travel purposes), and leases of vehicles, must be coordinated with Physical Resources to ensure all purchasing, contracting and risk management considerations are properly addressed.  Failure to do so may mean that the individual renting or leasing a vehicle is responsible for the costs incurred.


  • Student travel costs will not be reimbursed without prior approval.
  • All travel must be reasonable and necessary for carrying out the programs and activities of the College within budget allocations approved by the responsible senior administrative official.
  • Travel not meeting the College’s travel criteria or undertaken contrary to these procedures become the obligation of the individual(s) making the unauthorized commitment.
  • The College is not responsible for any personal property left in the vehicle.

Adopted: September 9, 2021
Renumbered from 1330A.3: November 15, 2022

Procedure 1330A.3


Reference:  Policy 1330A: College Property

The College recognizes that freedom of expression and assembly are important aspects of the educational experience.  The College provides opportunities for discourse, debate, sharing of ideas, and other expressive activities while operating and maintaining an effective, safe and efficient institution of higher education.  The College has also determined as part of its facilities use planning to make certain College facilities are available for solicitation and vending.

This procedure sets out how to gain approval for use of publicly available indoor and outdoor spaces for expressive activity in a constitutionally protected manner consistent with the needs of the College to identify the appropriate time, place, and manner for these activities in order to coordinate multiple uses of limited space, provide adequate services to support the campus, maintain the safety and appearance of the campus and preserve financial accountability.

Amplified sound: Sound that is increased or enhanced by any electric, electronic, or mechanical means, including handheld devices such as megaphones and sound trucks.  Other sound, specifically individual shouting or group chanting/singing, is subject to general requirements concerning disruption of official College activities.

Campus Community: Employees, students, and recognized student groups.

Campus contact: The person through whom a member of the Campus Community arranges space for their official College activities and/or authorized activities in support of the College. At the College, this is the Physical Resources office.

College facilities: College-owned and controlled buildings, including residence halls, grounds, space, property and other facilities including but not limited to buildings and the space within and between buildings, parking lots, athletic facilities, sidewalks, lawns, fields, shelters, amphitheaters, and all other spaces where events may be held, activities may take place, or that may require services.

Expressive activity: The verbal or symbolic expression of an idea, thought, or opinion and may include speeches, assembly, vigils, picketing, distribution of literature, displaying hand-held signs and other similar activities intended to communicate an idea or opinion.  It does not include commercial soliciting and vending.  For those interested in commercial solicitation and vending, please refer to the Facilities Request Form, or contact the Physical Resources office.

Official College activities: Any College activity undertaken by or under the authority of a College official within the scope of their duty as part of the College’s mission.

Literature: Any printed non-commercial material that is produced for distribution or publication to an audience, including but not limited to flyers, handbills, leaflets, placards, bulletins, newspapers, and magazines, but does not include the College bulletins or newsletters or official College material.

Recognized student group: A student group that has met the College’s requirements for a registered student organization as defined by Student Life.

College facilities are, first and foremost, for official College activities and authorized activities of recognized student groups and College-affiliated entities. Priority for space usage shall be given to any College educational function, official College activities and authorized campus community activities. Publicly available indoor or outdoor space identified in this procedure may be available for assembly and expressive activity in accordance with law, Board policy and College procedure.

Space reservations
Members of the Campus Community should arrange any use of publicly available space, whether for official/authorized College activities or for other expressive activities, through the Physical Resources office by filling out a Facilities Request Form.

The following provisions apply to the use of publicly available space for expressive activity:

  • Indoor activity: Those planning to engage in expressive activities as a group or individuals planning to engage in expressive activities must reserve appropriate indoor space for a proposed activity at least seven (7) business days in advance.
  • Outdoor activity: Those planning to engage in expressive activities as a group or individuals planning to engage in expressive activities intended to attract the attention of passers-by must reserve appropriate outdoor space for a proposed activity at least seven (7) business days in advance.
  • Reservations, including expected number of attendees and the proposed manner in which the activity will be conducted, assist in identifying an appropriate location and time, thus avoiding conflicts that could require rescheduling an activity and permit the College to evaluate necessary services and costs. Where an activity requires more than a nominal increase in services to accommodate the event, or results in damages, the additional costs of such services and/or damages may be assessed to the individual or group reserving the space.
  • Space is available for reservation and activities only during the normal business hours of 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday-Friday. However, the Vice President for Administrative Services may approve a reservation requiring use of space after 6:00 p.m. for events by non-college entities.  The Dean of Students may approve a reservation requiring use of space after 6:00 p.m. for events by student organizations.  To allow for a diversity of information and perspectives no one may reserve more than five consecutive days and fifteen days total for the semester.
  • Upon arrival on the day of the reservation or activity, the individual making the reservation must check in with the Physical Resources office.
  • Persons must abide by all applicable laws, policies, procedures and protocols.
  • Persons must not engage in activity that defames, is obscene, incites violence, or threatens physical harm.
  • Persons must not obstruct, disrupt, interrupt, or attempt to force the cancellation of any event or activity.
  • Persons shall comply with the directions of a College official or security officer acting in the performance of their duty.
  • Amplification is not permitted unless prior arrangement has been made through the reservation process for the activity to take place at a time and place where the amplification will not interfere with official College activities or the space is being rented and the rental agreement provides for amplification. No individual or group will be permitted to use amplification that interferes with official College activities.
  • Signs, images, and demonstrative items or artwork used in connection with the activity must be hand-held. They may not be affixed to College facilities.  No structures may be used or erected without prior written approval from the appropriate College office/official.
  • Persons on campus may be required to provide picture identification and provide information regarding their status as a student or employee upon request.
  • Campaign fundraising is not allowed.
  • Candidates for public office may not use student groups to directly or indirectly secure the use of College facilities for free or at a reduced rate for campaigning in violation of law. Candidates may rent available facilities for solicitation or vending space in accordance with these College’s procedures.
  • To avoid the appearance that the College supports or opposes a particular candidate, ballot issue or referred measure, College facilities may not be used for collecting signatures for ballot initiatives, referred measures, or candidate petitions, except when the collector rents space in accordance with this procedure. Streets and sidewalks abutting campus property that are under the local government’s jurisdiction are available for signature collection in accordance with federal, state, and local law.
  • When College facilities are reserved for an activity by a candidate or by a group or individual advocating for or against a candidate for an elected office, or a ballot issue or referred measure, a disclaimer is required on printed material announcing the event and at the location that the College does not endorse the candidate, ballot issue, or referred measure. Any opposing candidate or advocacy group will be offered a similar opportunity to reserve College facilities.

Distribution of Literature
Distribution of non-commercial literature is considered an expressive activity and may take place by reservation in publicly available space identified for expressive activity in accordance with this procedure or in conjunction with a reservation of space or a facilities rental.  College property, such as parking lots and internal campus walkways and other outdoor spaces are for supporting official College activities and for authorized activities of the Campus Community and are not available to the general public for distribution of commercial or non-commercial literature.  Streets and sidewalks abutting College property that are under a local government’s jurisdiction are available for distribution of literature in accordance with federal, state, local law and this procedure.  The following requirements must be adhered to:

  • Those distributing literature may not continue to approach anyone who has indicated a lack of interest, follow or stop anyone, shout, or interfere with any person’s progress.
  • Those distributing literature should be considerate about collecting any litter that may be generated as a consequence of their distributions and are expected to collect literature that is left over or that is on the ground in the area in which it is distributed.
  • Literature distributed on campus that contains the College’s name or acronym in the organization’s name or that contains any reference to being affiliated with the College, or references an activity as taking place at the College, must include the statement that the literature is not an official College publication and does not represent the views or official position of the College.

Publicly Available Space
Publicly available space(s) are currently identified as available for reservation for expressive activity as follows:

  • The Physical Resources office will designate space(s) that are available to members of the general public and the Campus Community.
  • In addition to designated space(s) available for reservation by members of the general public and the Campus Community for expressive activity, students may assemble in groups of 25 or fewer for spontaneous expressive activity without a reservation, on College walkways, and outdoor common areas, so long as they remain at least 50 feet from building entrances and otherwise conduct their expressive activities in a manner consistent with this procedure.
  • The Physical Resources office maintains a listing of available facility space and rental fees, as applicable.
  • If the designated space(s) is unsuitable for the proposed activity because of logistical, support services or safety concerns, the College will work with the requester to identify and reserve other suitable space on campus on a case-by-case basis.

No reservations will be granted for the following activities:

  • Any activity that competes with official College activities or businesses that the College has entered into an exclusive contract with, e.g., food service, beverage/snack vending, etc.
  • Any activity prohibited by local, state and/or federal laws (e.g., sale of alcohol, campaign distributions, sale or promotion of tobacco and/or tobacco-related products, etc.)

A rental fee may be assessed, depending on the facilities usage and equipment request.  The rental fee information is available in the Physical Resources office and the requestor will be notified of the charge at the time the Facilities Request Form is submitted.

Distribution of written materials will not include canvassing on buildings or vehicles.  Violation of the expectations identified in this procedure may result in being asked to vacate the premises immediately without a refund of any assessed fee.  The College reserves the right to refuse to grant future applications to individuals or groups in violation of this procedure.

Refusal of a Reservation
The Physical Resources office monitors and responds to requests to reserve space.  When necessary, that office refers requests for student-oriented space to the Student Life office. When deemed appropriate by the Physical Resources office, a requester may need to clarify the request before a reservation is made so as to assist the requester to conform the request to the requirements of law, policy, procedure and this protocol, and discuss time, place, and manner considerations for effective communication that protects the safety of the requester, the Campus Community, and any visitors.  The College may refuse a reservation request for the following reasons:

  • Conflict with an earlier request to reserve the same space and time.
  • Failure to conform to the requirements of law, College policy or procedure.
  • The requested space is being used for an official College activity or previously reserved use.
  • An adjacent space is being used for an official College activity or a previously reserved use that renders the requested space unsuitable for the proposed activity.
  • The request form is incomplete.
  • The request alone or cumulatively with other requests exceeds more than fifteen days in a semester or is for more than five consecutive days.
  • Lack of resources necessary to support an activity in a manner that preserves College facilities and protects the safety of the campus.
  • Refusal of a reservation may not be based on the viewpoint of the proposed activity.

Request for Review of Refusal of a Reservation
If a request for a reservation is refused, the requester may request review of the refusal by the Vice President for Administrative Services or their designee. The Vice President for Administrative Services’ decision is final.

Cancellation of an Activity
Activities that commence without a reservation may need to be moved or cancelled if the size and nature of the event cannot be accommodated without jeopardizing the safe and orderly operations of the campus or a previously scheduled use.  If an activity attracts more attendees than can be effectively managed by available staff and/or resources or is otherwise occurring in a manner that fails to observe this procedure, a College official acting in the performance of their duty shall determine appropriate action up to and including directing individuals in violation of this procedure to leave campus or cancelling the activity and directing participants to disperse.  Any participant who fails to leave campus or disperse after having been requested to do so by a College official or security officer acting in the performance of their duty may be subject to arrest and/or issued a no trespass order.  Students and employees may also be subject to discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion for students and dismissal or termination for employees.

This procedure provides operational directives as required by Board Policy 1330A: College Property.  It does not create, nor shall be construed to create, an express or implied contract or a guarantee or promise of any specific process, procedures, practice, or benefit.

Adopted: September 9, 2021
Renumbered from 1330A.4: November 15, 2022