Policy 1310G


Title II, Title VI, Title VII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; Title IX, National Junior College Athletic Associate (NJCAA) Eligibility Rules and Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Policy and Procedure 5420A: Code of Student Conduct

Western Wyoming Community College (the College) is committed to providing a positive experience for all of its students.  Transitioning from high school to postsecondary can be difficult.  In some cases, students, such as international students or those who are a member of one of the College’s athletic programs, have left their home and community to pursue a postsecondary degree.  To aid these students in achieving their postsecondary goals, the Board of Trustees endorses pairing these students with “host” families in the community.

The College shall develop and adhere to a set of protocols and accepted procedures to ensure that students who participate in the program are held accountable to the Student Code of Conduct, regardless of whether the student is on- or off-campus.  Procedures shall also be adhered to for community participation.  All Federal and State of Wyoming laws shall be adhered to.

Adopted: August 12, 2021

Procedure 1310G


Board Policy 1310G: Host-a-Student Program; Board Policy and Procedure 5420A: Code of Student Conduct

The Western Wyoming Community College (the College) Host-a-Student Program is an opportunity for our community to mentor a postsecondary student who is away from home pursuing an education at the College.  Many students who attend the College are from the nearby Wyoming region and live at home while commuting to school.  Others, however, are far away from home, possibly for the first time in their lives.

Through the Host-a-Student Program, students can receive the nurturing of a stable family in one of the most exciting, yet sometimes difficult, times in their lives.  Because of the cultural differences, difficulty in language and distance, the College believes strongly in the benefits to students who participate in the Host-a-Student Program.

As required by Board Policy 1310G, the following protocols and procedures shall be adhered to for individuals who participate in the “Host-a-Student Program.”  A College staff member, aka Host-a-Student Program Coordinator, will be responsible for matching and maintaining Host Family/Student information each academic year.  This individual will work with College administration should any impropriety be reported so that the issue may be resolved quickly and efficiently.  When necessary, the Board of Trustees, College President, College Administration, the local authorities, and program participants will be apprised of steps that are being taken to manage a breach of conduct, by any program participant.


  • Students must be enrolled full-time as a Western student in good standing.
  • Students are expected to adhere to the College’s Code of Student Conduct.
  • Those wishing to participate must complete a questionnaire that is on file with the Host-a-Student Program Coordinator.
  • Students must attend a Host-a-Student Program protocol meeting prior to being matched with a family so that the rules, regulations and consequences are publicly discussed. At that time the College’s Code of Student Conduct policy and procedure will be reviewed with the student.  An intake form will be distributed and the student shall complete, sign and acknowledge receipt of the information and expectations of being part of the program.

Host Family Members

  • Anyone interested in being a host family in the College’s Host-a-Student Program must complete an information form. That information will be used to make a positive match and also inform the individual(s) of the student expectations, as found in Board Policy and Procedure 5420A: Code of Student Conduct.
  • College Administration may mandate that host family members over the age of 18 first pass a criminal background check to assure safe placement of the College’s students.
  • Host families will be asked to complete an exit form so that information on the success of the program may be determined and positive changes made for the next academic year.
  • Host families will be given the Host-a-Student Coordinator’s contact information (office and after-hours) so that they may contact the Coordinator in an emergency or with a concern.

Host-a-Student Coordinator

  • Shall be responsible for promoting the Host-a-Student Program so that each student, who wishes to participate in the program, is matched to a host family.
  • Shall work with the College’s Athletic Department, coaches and International Student Coordinator to match the student athletes and international students with a host family.
  • Shall maintain the appropriate documentation for each student and host family participant.
  • Shall notify the College’s Dean of Students of any issues/concerns from the Host-a-Student Program immediately so that said issues/concerns can be dealt with in a positive manner.
  • Shall share information gleaned from the Student and Host Family Exit Interview forms with the College’s Co-Curricular Assessment Committee annually.

Adopted: August 12, 2021