Policy 1130A


Reference: Wyoming Public Meetings Act; W.S. § 16-4-401 through 408

All regular and special meetings of the Board will be announced publicly and shall be noticed as provided in the Wyoming Public Meetings Act.

The agenda for all regular meetings shall be available to all Board members, Board attorney, administrators and the news media at least 72 hours prior to the meeting under the direction of the College President. Reasonable effort will be made to notify the public of Emergency meetings. The agenda of the Board of Trustees will be available to the public before each meeting.

Cross Reference: 7410D, 7410E

Adopted: November 28, 1974
Revised: June 23, 1983
Reformatted: June 26, 1986
Reformatted: April 9, 2010
Revised: May 12, 2016