How to Handle Grief

There comes a point in time where you will grieve loved ones, friends, pets, and so much more, but sometimes we as humans forget how to handle how we feel and how to best take care of ourselves when we find ourselves in these situations. This week, our Western community lost a student, and SGA Vice President, Cole Barnes. He will be missed.
Here are some reminders of what to do if you find yourself in a place and dealing with grief.
Take care of yourself: Taking care of yourself when you lose a loved one is always the hardest because sometimes during that period you tend to neglect yourself, forgetting that you still need to take care of your body and mind. When grieving, try to avoid doing things like drinking alcohol or smoking an excessive amount if you’re trying to escape the feelings. Instead, sometimes going for a small walk, making sure you’re getting enough sleep and engaging with your friends helps to make sure that you don’t fall into a emotional rabbit hole where you can’t do anything for yourself. You’re not alone in the feelings.
Be patient: Taking time to heal is always going to be the longest part of any journey when it comes to healing. Don’t be afraid to reach out to get professional help with how you’re feeling, because sometimes taking to someone whose job is to help people who are grieving, they want to help no matter what, they can help comfort you and remind you that what you’re feeling is completely normal and that you shouldn’t be afraid of speaking out on them. Along with that, don’t make any big changes so suddenly when you are grieving. Sometimes while grieving, you might think that the big change that you’re thinking about it the best idea during that time, but it’s not always the best idea, so take some time to let yourself heal before making a big decision.
Honor your loved one: When grieving, sometimes finding what to do or to say with others around can be hard, but always think on the bright side. Don’t be afraid to share positive memories, listen to songs that the loved one might have listened to and would like, or trying out the hobby that the loved one enjoyed doing, maybe you might also enjoy what they loved taking part in as well.
Always remember, you are not alone, and if you need someone to talk to, click HERE so you can schedule an appointment with the counseling services that Western Wyoming Community College provides to students.