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02/22/2025 /  Jasmine Ramirez

Do you ever catch yourself feeling homesick? That is totally normal and a part of the college experience. Here are 10 steps that could potentially help in relieving some of those feelings.

Songs of the Month

02/20/2025 /  Madison Blake

Part of my New Year resolution is to share more of the songs that bring me joy, and for this month I was able to go through and pick different songs that have given me inspiration or songs that sound really fun.

Shopping Local

11/24/2024 /  Madison Black

With the holidays approaching, you may be like me and starting your gifting and party lists. Are you someone who likes to shop but sometimes shopping at the chain stores isn’t always the greatest option around? Well, shopping locally is one of...

How to Handle Grief

11/01/2024 /  Madison Black

There comes a point in time where you will grieve loved ones, friends, pets, and so much more, but sometimes we as humans forget how to handle how we feel and how to best take care of ourselves when we find ourselves in these situations. Here are...

Community Service To The Rescue

10/30/2024 /  Madison Black

If you are a part of programs that require you to volunteer in the community or you’re just looking to add to your list of helping the community out, there are plenty of ways for you and your friends to volunteer in Rock Springs and Green River.

The Power of Rest

10/29/2024 /  Kaleb Click

Rest is crucial because it supports nearly every aspect of physical and mental health, enabling us to function at our best. Rest allows your body time to physically recover from the day, whether it be from physical activity or even mental stimulation,...


Visit Western Wyoming Community College! 

Our campus is nestled at the foot of White Mountain in the middle of the Red Desert and supports over 4,000 students a year. Western houses the natural history museum, art gallery, library, theater, fitness facilities, game room, and pool, all under one roof. Take a guided or self-guided tour!