Tuition & Fees
Western ranked #1 most affordable college in Wyoming
In 2022-2023, Western offered $7,000,000 in scholarships, grants and financial aid to help students pay for their education. Western is the most affordable college in Wyoming, whether you are from Wyoming, out-of-state, an online learner, traditional student or adult learner. There are a lot of opportunities to help you pay for your education. To learn about these options, visit Western's Financial Aid website page or visit them in Mustang Central at the front entrance of the Rock Springs Campus.
Western's Business Office makes paying for College simple and easy so you can focus on your studies. Through the My Western student portal you can make payments online and create payment plans. To access the student portal, click on My Western in the top menu bar, then scroll down to the tile labeled Student Finance and click on Account Dashboard. Payment plans (three spread out payments) are available for Fall and Spring semesters for students who meet the following requirements:
- Enrolled in at least 6 credits or more (Please note that payment plans are not available during the Summer term.)
- No Cash Only holds on account
- Cannot be a First Term International Student
For payment deadlines, you can find them in Panorama---The Western View student e-Newsletter, on College monitors, or by viewing the Western Calendar. This calendar also allows you to add deadlines to your personal calendar so that you never miss a payment. Spring 2025 semester begins January 13, 2025 and the payment deadline is January 31, 2025. If you are on a payment plan, the following are your installment due dates:
- January 31
- February 28
- March 28
If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Business Office.