Big Piney

 Big Piney -  College and Career Readiness

High school equivalency instruction during the school year on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Call to get started.


Kyla Woffinden
ABE Instructor
Phone: Phone: 307-276-5522

Until recently, I taught Title 1 Reading K-2, 6-8 (day classes) and Adult Basic Education (night classes). I have worked for College and Career Readiness for 5+ years. My other teaching experiences include Five-County Detention Center (Grades 5-12) and Jefferson Jr. High School (Alternative/Behavioral classroom grades 7-8). I enjoy helping others learn and get excited about learning! I was born in Rock Springs, but only stayed 3 days before I went home to Big Piney, Wyoming, where I was raised! I have 1 sister and 2 brothers. I love to read, sew, tole paint, and crochet dishrags with "scrubbies" in one corner. I inherited my mother's interest in genealogy. I would like to see more of the world. Thus far, I have made it to England twice to meet distant cousins, Scotland (but not where my ancestors are from), and parts of France. I tried the "big" city route by working in downtown Los Angeles, California, but after 10 years moved back to the Rocky Mountains and eventually back where I began in Big Piney!! ​

Request More Information:

For more information, contact the College and Career Readiness, A212, Rock Springs, (307) 382-1829 or