Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started with HiSET - High School Equivalency (aka GED)
In Rock Springs our Fall Semester begins mid August and Spring Semester begins mid January (same as Western's calendar). For more detail see Getting Started
For other areas outside of Rock Springs please see our CCR Outreach page for locations and details CCR Outreach.
We offer open enrollment for the Rock Springs program in August, October, January, March and June (for PT summer instruction). Please visit out Getting Started page for more detail. Getting Started
There is a $20.00 program fee for the school year, this covers materials and the pre-testing. Once you are ready to take the HiSET exams you will pay for each exam (currently $15/each). See HiSet Login | PSI Online for more detail.
Class Schedule HiSET (aka GED)
Classes are Monday - Thursday 9AM to 2PM. See page for more detail Class Schedule (Rock Springs)
Wednesday evenings until 6 PM during the regular college semester, if you are unable to make day time classes.
For other areas outside of Rock Springs please see our CCR Outreach page for locations and details. CCR Outreach.
It varies based on your education level and upon your need to be taught skills or just have the information refreshed. Attendance and attitude are also key factors.
College & Career Readiness Locations
Rock Springs Campus Located at Western Wyoming Community College in the Annex - Room A212
The Annex is the rock and brick building to the left of the main entrance with the circular drive. Enter building through door number 2 or access elevator near door number 3.
Outreach offices in Green River, Mountain View, Kemmerer, Star Valley, and Pinedale. Outreach Offices
HiSET/HSEC Testing (High School Equivalency aka GED)
You must register for an account before scheduling an exam. HiSET Wyoming web page – Login | PSI Online
Click on link – HiSET Test Checklist for Test Day | HiSET
Where can I get my HSEC or GED transcripts
English Second Language (ESL/ESOL)
Open enrollment begins each Fall semester. Spots are limited.
Morning Classes - You must be here at 9AM on the first day of class to claim you spot, as they are limited to 20 people.
Evening Classes - You must be here at 6PM on the Tuesday after the new semester begins to claim your spot, as they are limited to 20 people.
Attendance is the main requirement. You need to commit to 75% attendance during each semester.
See English Second Language for class schedule.
Students 18 and over.
If 18, in order to attend classes, you cannot be enrolled in a public high school.
There is a $20.00 program fee for the school year.
No, a Social Security Number is not required. However, since we are Grant/Government funded, there will be a follow up survey about our program to complete if you do not have a Social Security Number.