Getting Started

High School Equivalency Brief Overview

Presently, we do have classes underway for the HiSET program. The Spring Semester will start January 13th.

Before you can attend, you will need to come in for an orientation and schedule your pretesting.

Orientation Dates:

Monday January 6th ~ 10:00AM and 1:00PM

Tuesday January 7th ~ 10:00AM

Thursday January 9th ~ 10:00AM 

Pre-Test Dates:

Mon/Tues/Wed.  January 6th to January 8th ~ 11:00AM to 5:00PM

Thurs. January 9th ~ 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Important information:

*HSEC is the High School Equivalency Certificate and HiSET is the company that administers the exams for the Wyoming High School Certificate. To begin with our program you need to attend StartSmart, orientation, and take TABE pre-tests.

Attendance Requirement?

Classes Monday thru Thursday 9am to 1pm. Each week offers 16 hours of class/instruction, plus and additional 4 if you want extra math help (1pm-2pm).

You are required to attend 75% of classes – that means 3 out of 4 days each week! If you do not attend regularly you will have to wait until our next 7-week session begins.

How much does it cost?

We just have a $20.00 material fee each year for our program to be paid when you pre-test. The HiSET exam is $75.00 for all 5 exams when taken in a test center (at home tests are more)

What does the schedule look like?

StartSmart class: January 13th-16th, 2025   1 PM - 3 PM

Classes are Monday through Thursday 9am to 2pm (1-2 is extra math help)

  • Reading 9am; Language 10am; Career class at 11am (lunch typically provided); Math 12pm; and then Math lab at 1:00 for extra help.

How long does it take?

There are factors that will determine that, however #1 – IS YOU! First of all is your commitment to yourself and this program, your attendance, your attitude, and your effort!

Second, are your scores from the pre-tests. Once you have finished your pre-testing, we will guide your next steps toward preparing for the HiSET exams, completing your high school equivalency (HSE), and transition to college and/or career.

Can’t make day time classes?

We are open Wednesday evenings until 6 PM during the regular college semester.

We hope to see you soon!

Request More Information:

For more information, contact the College and Career Readiness, A212, Rock Springs, (307) 382-1829 or