Student Government
The Student Government Association (SGA) is made up of members that are elected by students. These officers serve as your liaison to the administration of the college. SGA is responsible for many aspects of student life at Western, including everything from presenting student-related issues to the administration to providing fun events for students.
Western students can attend any SGA meetings from 12:20 PM – 12:55 PM on Wednesdays in the 3rd Floor Board Room (room 3060). Every meeting there is a time for public comment and anyone is welcome to come and speak about any concerns during this time. Students are encouraged to attend!
If you are unable to come to a meeting, you may also submit questions, comments, and concerns the Student Life department at
SGA is made up of six officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Senate Speaker, and Campus Activities Board Coordinator. SGA also has seven Senators and seven Campus Activity Board (CAB) members. SGA President will receive a $750 scholarship. Executive board members will receive a $650 scholarship. Senators and CAB members receive a $450 scholarship. You do not need to apply for the scholarship separately. Before beginning any SGA duties, students running for an officer position must be full-time students, have a cumulative 2.0 GPA, and complete the FAFSA. Once you get elected and complete the semester successfully in SGA, the advisors will add the scholarship to your account.
SGA is looking for members to support the student body! Members receive a scholarship that can help you pay for your education, while gaining leadership skills that help in school and life. If you think you have what it takes to be a student leader, SGA wants you on its team!
Elections are held in the first few weeks of every semester. To run for office, declare your candidacy in the Dean of Students Office (2006).
SGA Student Feedback Form
If you have any comments or suggestions that you want to raise with SGA, please let us know by using the SGA Student Feedback Form. Your submission will be forwarded to the SGA Advisors.
(If you want to report a sensitive issue, request help from the college, or file a complaint – such as a grievance or complaint for harassment or discrimination – fill out the Report a Concern Form.)
SGA By-Laws
Section A. Duties of the President:
- Must have completed at least one semester as a full-time student at Western prior to election.
- Presides over and serves as Chair of all SGA meetings. Votes only in the case of a tie.
- Authorized to call special meetings.
- Authorized to appoint students to SGA vacancies or to college committees requiring or requesting a student representative.
- Acts as the official spokesperson for Western SGA.
- Attends the Western Board of Trustees meetings and reports on behalf of SGA.
- Assures that all members of SGA are carrying out all responsibilities.
- Assures that subcommittees are formed, and Chairs are appointed, to move SGA initiatives forward.
- Keeps advisors informed and assures that appropriate college policies and procedures are followed in all SGA endeavors.
- Creates a weekly video promoting events on Western’s Instagram Page.
Section B. Duties of the Vice President:
- Assumes the duties of the President in the absence of that position.
- Advises the President on parliamentary procedure and on the questions of constitutionality.
- Assists the President in any duties deemed necessary by the President.
- Solicits the formation of student clubs. Reviews the charters of potential clubs and organizes club attendance at the weekly Wednesday public SGA meetings. Authorized to appoint Senators as SGA liaisons for clubs.
- Responsible for assisting in the organization of the Student Life Storage area.
Section C. Duties of the Secretary:
- Assumes the duties of the President and the Vice President in the absence of those positions.
- Prepares and distributes a typed agenda before the beginning of each meeting.
- Takes roll at each meeting.
- Is responsible for producing all correspondence of the SGA to students via the Dean of Students.
- Publishes the approved minutes of each meeting to the SGA shared drive.
- Maintains the shared drive file of all SGA minutes and correspondence.
Section D. Duties of the Treasurer:
- Assumes the duties of the President, Vice President, and Secretary, in the absence of those positions.
- Prepares an annual budget for SGA and assures that all monetary motions made by SGA are done in a Wednesday meeting.
- Executes all approved monetary transactions of SGA and maintains an ongoing and accurate financial report of monetary transactions of SGA.
- Submits to Western SGA weekly a written and updated financial report.
- Is familiar with college policies as they relate to SGA expenditures.
- Responsible for helping organize the Student Storehouse.
Section E. Duties of the Senate Speaker:
- Oversees all SGA senators.
- Is responsible for assuring SGA Senators fill all student positions on college committees and that they attend those committee meetings.
- Holds Senators accountable for giving college committee updates to SGA and bringing forward any issues that need student input.
Section F. Duties of the CAB Coordinator:
- Oversees all SGA CAB Members.
- Is responsible for planning and executing fun, engaging, and inclusive events for all students.
- Holds CAB Members accountable for giving event updates to SGA and bringing forward budget requests and other needs for successful events.
- Is responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the SGA White Board Calendar.
Section G. Officer Meetings:
All Officers will attend all weekly SGA Officer Meetings with an Advisor present unless excused by the President or an Advisor.
Section H. Misconduct:
An SGA Officer found negligent of their responsibilities as described above or behaving in a manner that is unbecoming of an SGA member shall be subject to removal from SGA by a two-thirds secret ballot vote of SGA members in accordance with the Recall (Impeachment) section below.
Section I. Credits & Grades:
SGA Officers shall be enrolled in and complete at least 12 credits each semester. All SGA Officers must maintain a 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale to automatically remain in SGA, unless an exception has been approved by a majority vote of SGA. Any Officer who falls between a 2.75 and 2.00 grade point average will be allowed to appeal to remain in SGA by a majority vote of SGA. Those who fall below a 2.00 grade point average will not have the opportunity to appeal. The grade point average will be evaluated based on the student’s cumulative GPA. The SGA advisors will use this to determine if the student’s GPA meets the minimum requirement. Any exceptions would be presented to SGA for consideration in a Wednesday meeting and voted on by secret ballot vote to be counted and announced by the Advisors.
Section A. Representation:
SGA Senators and CAB Members shall propose, consider, and enact legislation that is beneficial to the student body. They shall always remember that they represent the needs of the student body.
Section B. Scheduling:
- Meetings of the SGA shall be held twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays during the fall and spring semesters. Mondays are private meetings and Wednesdays are meetings open to all students and the public.
- Mondays shall be dedicated to brief updates and announcements given by SGA members. The remaining time of the meeting shall be set aside for Senate, and CAB Members, and SGA officers to coordinate and discuss updates within their realms of jurisdiction. This also includes small meetings held between subcommittee members when deemed appropriate to converse about subcommittee changes, updates, and reviews. A brief reconvening at the end of the Monday meeting will occur to summarize what each group talked about. Times will be designated by the group.
- When guest speakers come in to address SGA, the regular Monday schedule as shown in point 2 will be set aside to discuss and learn with said guest(s). The remaining time with be used as separate Senate and CAB meetings.
- If there is not extra time left over after the guest speaker(s) as shown in point 3 are finished, Senate and CAB will coordinate extra meeting times during the week to coordinate group efforts for planning and continuing their separate duties as stated in point 2.
Section C. Involvement:
- Senators are expected to communicate with clubs as SGA liaisons, including attending at least one club meeting per semester. Senators shall equally serve on all college committees that require student representation, and regularly report to SGA updates of those committees, as well as solicit feedback from SGA.
- CAB Members are expected to organize and attend numerous SGA events. CAB Members shall propose, consider, plan, and submit to SGA for approval, activities designed to meet the needs of Western students, both traditional and non-traditional. After approval is received, the members will appropriately advertise and carry out the event. In the case of prizes being available through raffle, if an SGA Advisor is not present to conduct the drawing it will become the duty of an SGA member to conduct the drawing. The member who will be conducting the drawing will be required to abstain from the drawing. The drawing must be done in a public area for everyone present to see.
- SGA members are expected to attend all SGA weekly meetings unless the SGA President or another Officer excuses them prior to the meeting, except in extenuating circumstances as reviewed by the Advisors and Officers. Senators and CAB Members shall not exceed two unexcused absences each semester or they will be subject to disciplinary review by the SGA Officers. Members who cannot attend meetings in-person will be allowed to call in to meetings but will be limited to no more than five call ins per academic year unless approved by an Advisor or Officer prior to the meeting. If more than five call ins occur in an academic year, that member will be subject to disciplinary review by the SGA officers.
- SGA members are expected to attend SGA events outside of SGA weekly meetings when an event is made mandatory for said SGA members through a formal motion and successful vote of SGA members unless the SGA President or another Officer excuses them prior to the meeting, except in extenuating circumstances as reviewed by the Advisors and Officers. If a member misses a mandatory SGA event, then that absence will be documented and that member may be subject to disciplinary review by the SGA Officers.
- In weekly meetings, members will be responsible for proposing budget expenditures and submitting them to the Treasurer for incorporation into the SGA budget.
- SGA members must obey all guidelines of the SGA Constitution, By Laws, and all college policies and procedures.
Section D. Misconduct:
A Senator or CAB Member found negligent of their responsibilities as described above or behaving in a manner that is unbecoming of an SGA member shall be subject to removal from SGA by a two-thirds secret ballot vote of SGA members in accordance with the Recall (Impeachment) section below.
Section E. Credits & Grades:
Senators and CAB members shall be enrolled in and complete at least six credits each semester. All Senators and CAB Members must maintain a 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale to automatically remain in SGA. Any Senator or CAB Member who falls between a 2.75 and 2.00 grade point average will be allowed to appeal to remain in SGA by a majority vote of SGA. Those who fall below a 2.00 grade point average will not have the opportunity to appeal. The grade point average will be evaluated based on the student’s cumulative GPA. The SGA advisors will use this to determine if the student’s GPA meets the minimum requirement. Any exceptions would be presented to SGA for consideration in a Wednesday meeting and voted on by secret ballot vote to be counted and announced by the Advisors.
These guidelines are established to provide a definite understanding of the powers and purpose of all SGA subcommittees.
Section A. Meeting times
All SGA subcommittees shall have a Chair. The Chair shall establish by consent of the subcommittee meeting times and places convenient for all subcommittee members.
Section B. Minutes
All subcommittees shall appoint a member to keep minutes of every meeting held by the subcommittee. These minutes shall be reported to SGA by the next Wednesday meeting.
Section C. Composition
The subcommittee Chair has the authority to request volunteers, or to appoint SGA members as they see fit.
Section D. Powers
The subcommittee Chair shall report any member of the subcommittee who is negligent of his or her duties to the SGA President.
Section E. Purpose
The subcommittee Chair shall assure that the Subcommittee follows the purpose of the Subcommittee.
Section A. Role of the Advisors:
The Western SGA Advisors will be the Dean of Students, the Coordinator of Student Life, and the Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Students.
Section B. Function:
The SGA Advisors serve in an information and advising capacity for SGA decision-making. An Advisor must be present at any SGA meeting before it is an official meeting and before any official action can be taken. SGA Advisors monitor adherence to college policies and procedures, including but not limited to the SGA Bylaws and Constitution, the Student Bill of Rights, the Code of Student Conduct, the Student Discipline policy, the Student Due Process policy, the Responsibilities of Sponsors for Clubs and Other Activities policy, and Student Travel policy. SGA Advisors count and announce the exact results of any election or secret ballot votes.
Section C. Monetary Oversight:
An Advisor must ensure all purchases requisitions are appropriate before the purchase is made.
Section D. Attendance at Events or College Committee Meetings:
An Advisor may choose to attend an SGA sponsored event, or a college committee meeting, to provide support, as well as to ensure appropriate student behavior at the event or meeting.
Section E. Conflict of Interest
In the event a student runs for a position within SGA, and there is a real or potentially perceived conflict of interest between that student and an SGA advisor, the advisors will collectively communicate with the supervising college Vice President to ensure that proper and documented steps will be taken to appropriately minimize and even eliminate the potential conflict of interest. Once those steps are documented in writing, the student can run for the position.
Section A.
SGA shall be empowered to conduct all SGA elections in accordance with the following guidelines.
- Candidates must have at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA of prior Western credits, must have completed the current year FAFSA, and must be enrolled in the minimum number of credits required for that position before commencing duties.
- Elections shall be by secret electronic ballot.
- Two Advisor must be present to validate the results of the election and announce the exact results of the election to all candidates on the ballot.
- Any candidate may call for a recount if the margin of victory is less than five percent of the votes. The candidate will be immediately notified by an advisor if the margin of victory is less than five percent. If desired, the candidate must call for a recount within 24 hours of being notified of the election results.
- Fall elections will be held after the start of the Fall semester and by no later than September 15.
- Spring elections will be held between April 1 and May 1. Spring elections shall last two weeks. The first week’s elections will be for officer positions. The following week will be for the remaining vacant positions.
- No currently elected SGA members at the end of the Spring semester will automatically carry forward in their position for the Summer or Fall semester. The specific SGA positions that will be elected in April, as well as the specific SGA positions that will be elected at the beginning of the Fall semester will be in accordance with the SGA Constitution.
- No electioneering material shall be allowed or campaigning in the immediate vicinity of a polling place, or where a student casts a vote. This applies regardless of if a student uses a paper or electronic ballot.
- The polls shall be open for at least 48 hours ensuring that all students have ample opportunity to vote.
- The dates and times of the elections shall be advertised no less than one week prior to the election.
- All candidates for an office must present to the advisors their name and desired position to be considered on the voting ballot. A deadline date will be established for at least 24 hours prior to the release of the
- All candidates for office must be a currently registered Western student at time of petition.
- Prior to elections, all candidates must confirm with an SGA Advisor that they understand the responsibilities for the office for which they are running.
- Any successfully elected, written-in, or appointed candidate must formally accept the position to an Advisor before beginning duties.
Section A. General Vacancies
Nominations to fill any vacancies in SGA positions after the close of elections shall be solicited for no less than one week prior to the appointment. Those vacancies will be filled by appointment by the SGA President. Those appointed must confirm with an SGA Advisor that they understand the responsibilities for the office for which they were appointed, as well as formally accept the position to an Advisor before beginning duties.
Section B. Vacancies of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer
When filling the vacant Officer positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasure after the close of elections, those positions will be filled by currently elected SGA Members by soliciting nominations of SGA members and then performing a secret ballot vote of all SGA members that is then counted an announced by the Advisors. In the event of a tie in any votes, the SGA President, or the presiding Officer if the President position is vacant, will then vote.
Section C. Vacancies of Senate Speaker or CAB Coordinator
When filling the vacant Officer positions of Senate Speaker or CAB Coordinator after the close of elections, those positions will be filled by current Senators for Senate Speaker, or by current CAB Members for the CAB Coordinator after Fall elections are complete. The election shall be done by soliciting nominations from within each of those two groups and then performing a secret ballot vote by all voting SGA members that is then counted and announced by the Advisors. In the event of a tie in any votes, the SGA President, or the presiding Officer if the President position is vacant, will then vote.
All Officers, Senators, and CAB Members of the SGA shall be subject to impeachment and recall for good cause by the SGA membership as follows:
A written petition signed by ten percent of the SGA membership shall constitute a request for impeachment or recall. The petition shall specify whether the recall shall be by SGA Officer and Senator vote or by general membership vote.
Upon presentation of the petition, the SGA President or presiding officer shall notify the SGA Officers and Advisors of the petition to then ensure that the necessary steps have been taken for the petition to be deemed valid. The process to determine the validity is to confirm that due process against the accused member has been followed and documented, and that good cause has been determined as accurate. The SGA President or presiding officer shall then call a special meeting within one week of receiving the petition. The signers of the petition, the charges, evidence of due process, and the specific reasons for the impeachment petition will be disclosed and reviewed in the executive session during the special meeting.
Upon the President’s or presiding officer’s acquisition of the impeachment document, the person being impeached shall be notified no less than 48 hours in advance of the special meeting. At this time, the accuser(s) and the defendant will all be given the information regarding the process and steps that will be taken in the special meeting. Furthermore, the defendant will be notified of the exact charges against them to prepare their defense for the special meeting.
- If the President is the one facing impeachment or recall, then the presiding officer will call the meeting.
- During the special meeting, the accuser(s) and defendant shall give their cases, then a simple majority vote will determine if the impeachment vote will be on the agenda at the next regular meeting. The special meeting process will be facilitated by the SGA Advisors.
- The accusers(s) and the defendant shall be allowed to have a non-SGA "advisor" present to assist in their case during the special meeting, if they so choose. This can be an employee of the college,a friend, a family member, a community member, etc. This advisor's role is not to speak on behalf of the students but to provide support and counsel to them in the meeting.
- If the simple majority vote is successful at the end of the special meeting, the SGA shall vote on the recall petition at the next regular meeting following the special meeting.
- A two-thirds majority vote of the SGA members present is required to confirm the recall. The vote shall be done through a secret ballot vote and the exact results of the vote will be announced.
- If the impeachment is announced as successful, the SGA member who is impeached is no longer an SGA member effective immediately. The impeached student has the right to appeal the decision in accordance with Policy 5430B “Student Rights: Due Process.”
Section A. Scholarships:
All active Senators and CAB Members are eligible to receive a $450 SGA Scholarship each semester. SGA President is eligible to receive a $750 scholarship. SGA Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, CAB Coordinator, and Senate Speaker are eligible to receive a $650 scholarship. To receive the scholarship, the following requirements must be met:
- All active SGA members must actively participate in weekly SGA meetings throughout the semester. This will be determined by use of a common scoring rubric that rates participation in each meeting. Rating will rotate among members on a regular basis.
- CAB Members must actively plan and participate in SGA events throughout the semester. This will be determined by use of a common scoring rubric by the CAB Coordinator.
- Senators must actively participate in assigned college committees and regularly report to SGA on those committees throughout the semester. This will be determined by use of a common scoring rubric by the Senate Speaker.
- Officers must actively participate in Officer Meetings throughout the semester. This will be determined by use of a common scoring rubric that rates participation in each meeting. Rating will rotate among members each meeting.
- All active SGA members must activity participate in SGA Subcommittee work when assigned throughout the semester. This will be determined by use of a common scoring rubric by the Subcommittee Chair.
- All submitted scoring rubric scores will then be reviewed by the SGA Advisors at the time of awarding the Scholarships each semester and will be considered when determining the awarding of the scholarships. It is the goal that each SGA member will maintain an average of 3.0 out of a 4.0 scale.
Section B. Name Badge & Clothing:
All SGA members will receive an SGA name badge to be purchased with SGA funds. If SGA chooses, all elected SGA members may also receive appropriate SGA clothing (shirt, jacket, etc.) not to exceed $75 per member, to be purchased with SGA funds once per year. Name badge and any SGA clothing must contain the logo or name of SGA and is to be worn to SGA meetings and events whenever appropriate.
Section A. Chartering
Any student or group of students may organize a student club on campus. The club may not be started by a staff member or by outside organizations. To begin the process, the interested students will need to meet, organize, and elect officers. The following procedures govern the organization of a club:
- Prospective clubs shall submit a constitution that details the purpose of the club. The constitution must follow the format supplied by SGA which can be found on the SGA webpage. Clubs are eligible for SGA charter and funding only if their membership is open to any Western student who can meet their membership requirements.
- The constitution must contain a list of members, officers to include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and the faculty or staff advisor.
- There are no deadlines for chartering, but it is recommended that each club charter as early as possible in the semester.
- The constitution, and list of members will be distributed to SGA members at the next regularly scheduled meeting. It will be discussed and voted on in the Wednesday meeting that the charter is submitted.
Once the charter is approved, the SGA Vice-President will notify the club president and advisor of such.
Section B. Declaration of Active Club Status:
- Clubs that have been previously chartered will need to declare their active club status each academic year before receiving SGA funding, or before reserving space for club meetings and activities.
- The “Declaration of Active Club Status” form is for the club to state who the current advisor and four student officers are. This form will be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the SGA advisors and the SGA Vice-President. The advisor and club members will then be notified of official current active club status.
Section C. Funding:
- All chartered clubs are eligible for SGA funding.
- Chartered clubs will receive $200 per semester to spend on the support of their club. Expenditures must comply with college policy.
- A simple majority vote of SGA is required for any funding request beyond the initial $200 that a club receives each semester.
- No club may carry unused allocations over from one semester to another.
- If the club does not utilize funds for the requested purpose, they must be returned to SGA.
- Once the allocation is approved, the club must submit appropriate bills or receipts to an SGA Advisor and Treasurer.
Section D. Duties:
- Each club must be represented at one Wednesday SGA meeting a month as assigned by their SGA liaison. Clubs may attend additional meetings if desired. Each club will be allowed two unexcused absences per semester or four per academic year. Failure to attend meetings could result in revocation of the club charter. The SGA Secretary will take roll call at each meeting.
- Each club is required to give a monthly report at their assigned Wednesday meeting describing their previous month’s activities. In addition, each club is required to inform SGA of future events.
- All clubs are required to follow established Western policies and procedures including:
- Reserving college facilities for any planned event.
- Making sure that all advertising materials/posters are approved/stamped by the Print Shop and that they are removed by club members when the event is done.
- At the conclusion of the event, the club must clean up any campus facilities used.
- Clubs may be called upon to assist SGA with some of their sponsored events.
- Clubs are required to hold at least one campus-wide event per semester.
- Club absences at their assigned SGA meeting may be approved as excused by an SGA Officer.
Section E.
A club charter may be revoked for violation of any of the above guidelines or for any other violation of college policy.
- A hearing within one week of the motion must follow a motion for the revocation.
- Three-fourths (3/4) of the SGA members must be present before the hearing can begin.
- A club will forfeit its charter upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of SGA members present.
- The organization has the right to appeal in accordance with Policy 5430B “Student Rights: Due Process.”
These By-Laws shall become effective immediately upon two-thirds vote of the SGA.
Revised & approved by SGA: December 6, 2021; October 24, 2022; April 19, 2023; December 6, 2023; April 22, 2024; October 30, 2024
SGA - Constitution
Approved as College Policy & Procedure 5440A by the Western Wyoming Community College Board of Trustees
Student Government Spring 2025

My major is Communications cations. I’m from Medford, Oregon. I'm a traveler. I feel the need to flee from wherever I am every weekend, so I usually find myself hiding out in some Wyoming mountains or hopping on a flight to the furthest possible place to get a coffee. I joined SGA to gain experience working with others and setting up events.

My name is Emalee Behling. I'm majoring in Elementary Education. I'm from Fort Bridger, Wyoming. My hobbies include hiking, shooting, reading, and going on spontaneous adventures. I joined SGA to get more leadership experience and to be more involved in the school.

I am majoring in Health Science. I'm from Star Valley, Wyoming. I love to be outside doing pretty much anything! I wanted to join SGA because I want to advocate for the student body and also help plan fun events that can include everyone that attends Western!

My name is Anthony Dorris. I am in the education department focused on Agriculture. I am from Rangely, Colorado. I enjoy hunting, working on cars and collecting memorabilia. I enjoy SGA because I know I can help more than just myself and I joined to make that happen.

I am majoring in Natural Science. I’m from Mccammon, Idaho. I enjoy hanging out with my girlfriend, friends, and family. I also enjoy wrestling! I joined SGA because I like to be involved in school activities, and get students active in the school.

Hey everyone! My name is Avrie Farnsworth and I’m from Idaho Falls, Idaho. I originally came up to western as a college soccer player and am majoring in psychology while I’m up here. I love all things sports but also enjoy cooking and math! I joined SGA because I wanted the opportunity to leave western better for the people that come next!

Hello! My name is Martha Covarrubias. I’m from Rock Springs, Wyoming, and I’m majoring in Secondary Education. In my free time, I love watching movies, dancing, and hanging out with my friends. I joined SGA to be more involved and make a positive impact on our community at Western!

I am majoring in Health Sciences. I’m from Rock Springs, WY. For fun, I like going hiking, working out, and spending time with friends and family. I joined SGA to make a positive difference for students here at Western Wyoming Community College. I want to make sure that everyone has a good experience and enjoys their time here.

I am currently majoring in Psychology! I am from Salem, UT. For fun, I love to play soccer, road-tripping to new places, hiking, and spending time with my friends and family! I joined SGA to get more leadership experience and to get more involved with the school activities. I also wanted to meet new people!

Hello, my name is Abby Harrison. I am currently in the health science program, but eventually wanna switch into the nursing program. I am from Green River, Wyoming and was part of the Green River student council all 4 years of high school. I enjoy being part of SGA because I know that I can help lead and bring new ideas.

My name is Luke Schroeder. I am a Freshman here at Western. I am studying business management. I have been fortunate enough to be apart of the wrestling program, the RA team, and SGA. I’m grateful for the people I get to work with and the opportunities I am given to improve myself!

Hey! My name is Kort Wilkinson. I am majoring in Psychology and Business. I am from Pleasant Grove, Utah. I like to hangout with my friends and family. I am on the wrestling team here at Western and love it. I joined SGA to be more involved with the school and campus activities, as well to meet new people and expand my social network. Go Stangs!!

My name is Caprice Winn. I am currently majoring in Health Science and I plan on being a pediatric nurse. I love spending time with my family and friends. I also love to do anything outdoors related! I like SGA because I feel like it is a great way to get involved with things that help benefit the Western Wyoming Community College student body. I was in student council all of high school and I discovered that I have a passion for leading. I love being able to help lead my peers which is why I joined SGA.

Hiya, I'm Connor Allred! I've been a member of the Psychology Club for three semesters, and I've worked as a tutor and as a worker for Mitchell's. I'm a psychology major, and I'm transferring to UW after this semester. I've lived in Rock Springs my whole life so far, it's going to be pretty new for me. Looking forward to making some productive, positive changes while I'm here!

My name is Kaylee Hess and I am majoring in Health Science to eventually get my masters in Nutrition. I am from South Weber, Utah and I also play on the basketball team here at the school. I love playing any sports, baking, cooking, and hanging out with my friends and family! I joined SGA because I thought it would be a fun opportunity to get to know new people and I love being involved in school activities to hopefully make an impact!

Hi, my name is Tariq Kembo. I am a Business Information Systems Major. I am from Zimbabwe. I enjoy playing video games. I joined SGA because I saw it as a valuable opportunity to contribute to something positive and impactful.

I’m Felicia Ramirez, a driven student leader from Edinburg, Texas, currently serving in the Senate of my school’s student government. I’m passionate about giving back, and I make it a priority to dedicate my time to charitable causes. As a plant operations major, I’m focused on developing my skills and creating a meaningful impact, both on campus and in my community. Leadership, service, and growth are at the core of everything I do.

My major is Natural Science (Pre-Med). I am from a super small community in Southeastern Idaho, called Wayan. I love being outside and doing active things! I am always down for an adventure and want to make cool memories. I play volleyball and basketball here at Western. This is my second year here, and I joined SGA because I wanted to help our college community become more inclusive and community based!

My name is Vivian Uchendu. I'm majoring in health science. I'm an international student from Maputo, Mozambique. My hobbies include reading and solving puzzles. I joined SGA to get more leadership experience and to become actively involved in campus life.