Staff Directory
For complete coaching biographies and contact information, visit each specific sport sections: Men's Sports or Women's Sports.

Dr. Lu Sweet has lived in Rock Springs for 28 years. She has worked as the Athletic Director at Western since 2008. Sweet has served as an Assistant Coach for Men’s and Women’s Basketball and as the Head Women's Soccer Coach. She is currently an advisor for all of the student-athletes at Western as well. Sweet was an Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach at MSU-Northern and was an Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach at the University of Kansas. Sweet earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and has a minor in Mathematics. She earned her Master’s and Doctorate degrees from MSU-Bozeman and Athletic Administration and Educational Administration, respectively. She has three Associates’ Degrees and a certificate from Western. She also holds a radio communicators license. Sweet competed in both Basketball and Volleyball at MSU-Northern, where her teams earned several District and Conference Titles. Sweet also worked for Sweetwater School District #1 for 12 years, as both a Principal and Assistant Principal and she served on the SSD#1 school board for two years. Sweet was instrumental in starting the Boys’ and Girls’ Club in Rock Springs. She has written for the Rocket-Miner and Green River Star for fifteen years and has published two books. She speaks on the radio two times per day, Mondays thru Fridays. Sweet lives in Rock Springs with her family.

Kristen Gitchel is a native of Wyoming and enters her 9th season as the Mustangs Athletic Trainer. She is also the Games Manager for the Athletic Department. Kristen received her Associate of Science, in Athletic Training, from Central Wyoming College, and her Bachelors of Science, in Athletic Training from Colorado Mesa University in 2016. She is a member of the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), the Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association (RMATA) and the Wyoming Athletic Trainers Association (WATA). She is Board Certified by the NATA Board of Certification and Licensed by the State of Wyoming. Kristen grew up on a ranch in Central Wyoming and very much enjoys being outside camping, fishing, hunting, playing at the lake or just doing plain yard work! When she isn’t taking care of athletes, she spends her free time as an officer of the Unknown Saints Riding Club donating time to Veterans and to the community. Kristen is married to Will and they have four children; Blaire, Bryant, Abel and Thea.

Kimberly Greene was born and raised in southwest Wyoming. She attended and graduated from Western with her AS in Business Administration. She then continued on to the University of Wyoming. After graduating with her BS in Business Administration and a minor in Finance, she returned to the Rock Springs area and worked in the Business Office at Western for eight years. This is her first year as the Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director. When not working Kimberly enjoys spending time with and supporting her family in everything they are involved in, from sports to Cub and Boy Scouts.

Coach Marietta played Men's Basketball for two years at Western. He has coached basketball for 25 years at the Junior High and High School levels. He was an Assistant Women's Basketball Coach for Western from 2019-20122. Coach Marietta has taught Beginning and Intermediate Algebra at Western at the College since 2003. He lives in Rock Springs; and has three children, five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. As the Academic Coordinator, Coach Marietta works with assigned student-athletes who are deemed at-risk. He also works with student-athletes who wish to utilize his assistance for academic tutoring. He is also a resource for student-athletes to check and connect as they work on organizational skills, time-management strategies and study skills and habits. Coach Marietta communicates and coordinates with coaches regarding student-athletes and their academics.