Policy 6210B
Classes at Western Wyoming Community College may be canceled because of bad weather. Weather may cause the entire College to close or may cause the cancellation of individual classes if it prevents and instructor from reaching the campus. The College will make decisions regarding the cancelling of classes and will notify students and the public with as much advance notice as possible.
Adopted: June 28, 1984
Revised: October 16, 2014
Procedure 6210B
Bad weather may cause classes to be canceled. The College President or his/her designee may cancel all or some classes. Individual classes may be canceled if bad weather prevents an instructor from arriving on campus. Students may also, at times, have to miss a class because of weather.
Cancelling All Classes
The College President has the authority to cancel all or some classes because of bad
weather. In his/her absence, a designated administrator will make the decision.
The decision to cancel will be made as early as possible and announced to the public through local radio and television announcements.
Cancelling Individual Classes
In the event of a major storm, when the College does not cancel classes, but travel
is being restricted by local law enforcement agencies, a media announcement to that
effect will be made. Students and staff may then use their own judgment regarding
travel. Students will not be penalized for classes missed during these times.
An instructor may cancel individual classes if he/she is unable to reach the campus because of bad weather. The instructor must contact his/her Division Chair or the office of the Vice President for Student Learning who will then notify the College information desk and handle other appropriate notifications. Students may call the information desk for a list of canceled classes.
Student Absences
Any student who cannot attend a class because of bad weather is responsible for contacting
his/her instructor(s) and making up missed work.
Adopted: June 28, 1984
Revised: August 11, 1988
Revised: September 27, 1990
Revised: October 16, 2014