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My Journey in Nursing and the Privilege of Helping Shape Wyoming’s Future

 /  Dalton Stoddard  /  POSTED IN learning 
Pictured Left to Right: Western Board of Trustees Secretary, Regina Clark; Western Board of Trustees, Ron Wild; Western Dean of Students, Dr. Dustin Conover; Dalton Stoddard; Western College President, Dr. Kim Dale; and Sweetwater County Legislator, Stacy Jones
Pictured Left to Right: Western Board of Trustees Secretary, Regina Clark; Western Board of Trustees, Ron Wild; Western Dean of Students, Dr. Dustin Conover; Dalton Stoddard; Western College President, Dr. Kim Dale; and Sweetwater County Legislator, Stacy Jones

Nursing School

Majoring in nursing is more than a singular decision like saying yes to entering a nursing program. Nursing school is a constant challenge that not only encourages growth but also expects it. This growth comes from many early mornings and late nights; many assignments with deadlines approaching quickly; and constantly striving to know more to be able to do more.

The reason that I chose nursing at Western is quite simple: hundreds of individuals have shared their positive experiences with the College, and, even more specifically, with the nursing program. Heading into this program I had high expectations for the faculty and myself. I was expecting to be challenged while also having the support of my peers and the faculty who were going to guide us through the overall journey.

Looking back at my experience, I had both of those things in excess. The faculty at Western are consistently there as a resource, passing on the education that they have in bountiful amounts, being a shoulder to lean on when school gets tough, and willing to educate at any chance that they have. Being an outreach student did not change the way that the faculty aided me in any way either. In fact, I saw myself having every opportunity to meet with and discuss problems with each educator that I have had. Furthermore, the support that I received from my peers is what made outreach even more possible. I have grown very close to all the classmates that I have had, and we are in constant communication with each other about due dates, clinical hours, and if anyone needs help. When combined, the faculty and my peers have made nursing school doable, and I am grateful for both groups. 

Shaping Wyoming's Future Award

Beyond the classroom, the faculty in the nursing program are rooting for you in many ways. Two faculty members, that I am very appreciative of, nominated me for the Shaping Wyoming’s Future Award.

I was fortunate enough to win this award with the help of the faculty in nominating me, and I was able to travel to Cheyenne to receive it. One student from every community college in Wyoming was present. Being able to represent a college that I hold in such high esteem was an honor for me, as I know that Western’s extraordinary faculty has helped me to reach all of my future plans, and I am forever grateful for each of them dedicating their time to help me, and all other students that are fortunate enough to be taught by them.

The Future

When discussing the future with my family, it has been difficult to pin down just one thing that I want to do. I see that Western’s Nursing Program has afforded me many different opportunities for the future.

Having been so inspired, helped, and honored by the nursing faculty, I am moving forward with plans to become a nursing educator myself, hoping to be able to instill the knowledge, care, and excellence in future students that has been instilled in me.

For all future students of this wonderful program, I have some advice. First, do not be afraid to be wrong. I have myself been wrong in class a multitude of times, and I have found that it has increased my learning much more than being right, as your peers and teacher will help you correct misconceptions that will help you throughout all of nursing school. Second, become involved! Being a member of the Student Nurses Association has allowed me to apply myself outside of the classroom and help in the community. This is near and dear to all nurses, as not all care happens directly in a hospital, it can also happen in day-to-day encounters, anywhere you are. Third, and lastly, be prepared to grow. Nursing school is a challenging experience, but once you allow yourself to go with the flow, you will find yourself gaining large amounts of knowledge, friends, experiences, and many things that you will have to find out for yourself.

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