Is A.I. Helpful or Harmful?

Over the years, the development in technology has been so amazing that we were able to use it in everyday situations. Are you writing a paper? You are most likely using a computer to write your paper. Wanting to communicate with someone who lives far away or is just down the hall from you, you’re most likely using a phone to communicate with one another. So what else have we has a society made ot make every day life better for everyone? Artificial Intelligence or better known as A.I. has been the solution for a lot of peoples issues pretty much every day. I know that I have an iPhone and love using my Siri when my hands are full when baking or helping my sister with homework, and I love using my Alexa to play music while I’m studying. Those are both great uses of Artificial Intelligence that most people use on a day to day basis. But getting down to the topic at hand, is using Artificial Intelligence helpful or is it doing more harm than good.
How is it helpful? Well we already had gone over how it’s making our everyday life easier for us and it’s also making it enjoyable with all of the simple things that it can do. For example, if you have an Alexa of any form, ask Alexa to play something called Song Quiz, it’s a short and simple game that you can play that will test you knowledge of music and it’s a game that you can play with multiple people. Does A.I. help students? Yes it does, but it also helps teachers and everyone else. Students should be discouraged from using A.I. systems like ChatGPT to write their papers, but if a students is struggling to understand a concept or if they’re needing a step-by-step explanation of something like a math equation, A.I. is a great resource to use to help you out when you’re not able to get help from a professor at that moment.
So how is A.I. harmful? Artificial Intelligence is starting to put people out of their jobs, and I know that it’s not much but I know a lot of the older people who love going to the stores and interacting with cashiers when they go on their grocery runs are slowly being replaced by Self-Checkout machines that doesn’t even work 70% of the time, which defeats the purpose of having the Self-Checkout machines if we can’t even use them. When it comes to school work, A.I. can be used for good, but even when using A.I., you should always double check the information that you’re learning from the A.I. answers, because they might not always be correct.
So what is your opinion on Artificial Intelligence, do you think that we should be incorporating A.I. in our everyday life more or should we wait until we know what we’re actually working with.
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