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Recreating Destruction

12/16/2024  /  Aaron Petrich
Boars Tusk Poetry with feather pen on left
Boars Tusk is a literary journal publishing poetry, fiction, nonfiction, artwork, and photography by Western Wyoming Community College students and residents of Sweetwater County. The journal provides a forum for students and community members to showcase their work and gives the journal's staff members hands-on experience in producing, editing, designing, and publicizing the journal, skills that will be valuable in the workplace. If you would like to submit your own creative work, learn more here.

Enjoy Aaron Petrich's 2024 second place poem from the Boar's Tusk 2023/2024 Journal. For more information about Boar's Tusk, click here. 


The mad lad did it, he actually did it.

For being silent for a couple of years, you’ve been secretly working.

Not telling a soul, keeping all of it to yourself.

Some say mean spirted, some say it was a nice surprise. I would have to agree with the surprise-

no one saw coming what you did.

You recreated destruction.

You recreated your song.


My first thought to seeing that was why?

It was perfect the last time, there was no need to recreate it-

but that didn’t stop you.

You thought to yourself, how can I make this better?

A thought that surely took an eternity, a thought that was discovered by you.


Viewing the recreation for the first time, my thoughts were jumbled.

A wave of enormous nostalgia, followed immediately by cracks of sorrow-

ending with anger and confusion.

Why recreate that song again?

It’s hard to listen at first, due to the message of the original- your recreation had an opposite
effect, it’s now hard to follow.

You didn’t change the message; you added more noise to the background.

The first couple of times it’s distracting. After a few listens, it becomes clearer.

It’s not distracting, it’s building-

building your message in the background.

Recreating the song from the framework of the original.


After exposing myself to not only the original-

but now your recreation,

I can now say in confidence.

You, the artist

 “Cosmo P”, did it.

You recreated destruction that didn’t need to be recreated.

You added more to the song and enhanced the original to new heights.

Heights that I didn’t know was even possible.

And for that, I truly have to say Thank You.

Thank You for letting me enjoy one of your best pieces of work again-

in a new light.


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Our campus is nestled at the foot of White Mountain in the middle of the Red Desert and supports over 4,000 students a year. Western houses the natural history museum, art gallery, library, theater, fitness facilities, game room, and pool, all under one roof. Take a guided or self-guided tour!