Boars Tusk - The Making of a Magazine

Many students and people in our community have hobbies, and many of those hobbies can be enjoyed by others. With the Boars Tusk Literary Magazine, students at Western Wyoming Community College and residents that live in Sweetwater County can submit their fictional stories, non-fiction, poetry, artwork, and their photography pieces for a chance to have their work published by Boars Tusk’s editors.
As a former editor for the 2023-2024 edition, there were a lot of pieces of work that were all art in my eyes. All the people that submitted put forward their best work that they enjoyed writing, creating, or capturing. All of these are forms of art, we just view them in different ways. As someone who submitted three photography pieces last year, I was amazed with how many people were so talented to take some of the photos that they took, and were brave enough to submit their pieces, even though not all of them were chosen to go into last year's edition. If it was up to just me, I would have put in all the photography pieces.
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”-— Aristotle
When going through the fiction, non-fiction, and poetry pieces, the stories that stuck out to me the most was the ones that had a lot of emotion that was very noticeable in their writing, it doesn’t seem bland and lacking emotions. When speaking with last year’s Editor-in-Chief, Brittany Gomez, we talked about why students should submit to Boars Tusk, and she responded, “Students should submit to Boars Tusk because it is a great opportunity to be published. We have amazing artists in our community, and it is a wonderful avenue for them to share their work with others. I love that Boar’s tusk allows me to appreciate their work and that I got to be a part of it!”
I think the most common thing that students face when it comes to submitting pieces of work is the fact that they fear that their work is not good enough to be seen. I know for a fact that I’ve faced the same issue when it comes to my own work, and as the saying goes, you are your worst critic, but don’t let yourself be the reason you don’t submit. Don’t be afraid to put you and your work out to be seen by everyone, you never know what will come from it.
If you want to take a look at last year’s double edition, and are interested in submitting to Boars Tusk, click on this link: