Placement Testing

Western Wyoming Community College administers a variety of tests both in private and group settings. College Level Examination Program (CLEP), McCann Reading and Writing placement test, and ALEKS Math placement test. Please contact Academic Advising to schedule placement testing at 307-382-1677.

Placement Testing

The McCann and ALEKS placement tests are designed to determine the students' level of ability - they are not pass/fail tests. The tests allow Western's academic advisors to place students in courses that are best suited to a student's current skill level. In some cases, developmental courses are required before a student may enter college-level courses. All new students are who do not have ACT scores are required to take the McCann and ALEKS placement tests prior to registering for courses.

Alternative Credit

Students can obtain extra-institutional learning credits through the CLEP Test, Military Credit, Advanced Placement, Institutional Credit by Exam, and Life Experience Credit. 


CLEP is a national program of credit by examination that offers students the opportunity to obtain recognition for college level achievement. Testing is scheduled on an individual basis and can be done by contacting the Mustang Success office. Each test is $95.00 and must be purchased at prior to taking the test. There is a $10.00 test proctor fee that must be paid to Western Wyoming Community College's Business Office prior to taking the test. Students must present a receipt showing the fee has been paid for and their CLEP voucher number when they arrive for their test. Some CLEP scores are instant and testers will receive a print out of their final score once they have completed the exam. Other CLEP scores that require an essay will take around three weeks to arrive. Scores can be either sent to another institution or can be applied to a Western transcript.  For more information or to schedule your CLEP test, contact the Mustang Central office at 307-382-1677 or

Military Credit

Students who have earned course credit while serving in the armed forces may also receive credit at Western. Students who wish to do so must submit their DD214 and appropriate education documentation to Registration & Records. When possible, students should submit their DD295, Application for Learning Experiences in the Armed Forces as well. Students may also receive two semester hours of physical activity credit by filling out the Military PE Credit Form and submit it to Registration & Records. The DD214 must be accompanied if not previously submitted. For more information, please contact Registration & Records at 307-382-1637 or

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement is a program sponsored by The College Board and offers secondary school students the opportunity to participate in college-level coursework in high school as well as take a national test at the end of the course. Western accepts AP scores of a three (3) or higher, however there are certain courses that a score of a four (4) or five (5) must be earned to receive credit.  There is no charge for this credit and the credit is listed on the student's Western transcript at the time of matriculation.

Institutional Credit by Exam

Credit by examination is available for any Western course when a CLEP exam is not available. To qualify for credit by examination, the student MUST be currently enrolled at Western. The exam is generally the equivalent to the final exam for that course. If the student has a proficiency level of a minimum "C" grade, the credit will be awarded. A grade of "S" (Satisfactory) is listed on the student's transcript. A student may not earn credit by examination if he/she has completed a course at a higher level than the course being challenged. It is recommended that the prerequisites are examined when trying to determine if the course is lower. No challenge exams are given during the last 30 days of a semester. For more information, please contact Registration & Records at 307-382-1637 or

Life Experience Credit

Extra institutional learning is defined as learning that is attained outside sponsorship of legally authorized and accredited post- secondary institutions. In most cases, Western Wyoming Community College will suggest that the student take a CLEP exam or Institutional Exam to validate the credit. However, on occasion the student can provide the documentation to support the training with the aid of an exam; for example, first aid and CPR training can often be documented because training agencies like the Red Cross issue certificates that indicate the level of training and the contact hours involved. For more information, please contact Registration & Records at 307-382-1637 or

Request More Information

Contact the Green River Center at 307-875-2278.