Safety Classes

**As needed upon company request**
Green River Center Room 211
#1 College Way
Green River, WY 82935

Must pre-register class limit 25. Students not in the classroom by 7:30am could be denied entrance in the class. Students must have a valid email address to be entered in the PEC database. This course is an orientation of basic safety policies and procedures, which many oil and gas operators/producers require in order to work on a well site. Using PEC Premier's Basic Orientation Workbook, students will learn the basic occupational and safety requirements for many operators/producers, acceptable work-site policies and procedures,hazardous situation, incidence reporting and emergency response plans. This course is approved for S/U grading.

Every Tuesday & Thursday 11:00am $40.00 per test
Green River Center Room 215.
Please be clean shaved for Fit Test and have a current medical evaluation for respirators.
We currently have adapters to Fit Test:
  • 3m all models w/ detachable filters
  • Scott full face AV2000, AV3000, Scott-O-Vista, 65,66
  • North masks including: 5500,7700,7600,5400,7800,800004,80004S,85400A,85500A,800 Series SCBA
  • MSA - some models 
  • Spearian Survivor
First Monday of each month(unless holiday)
Green River Center Room 211  $130.00
Standard CPR & First Aid  course covers topics such as Good Samaritan Law, scene safety, bloodborne pathogens, and adult CPR/AED, bleeding, wound care, shock, burns, heat and cold emergencies and moving victims. All students are required to complete the hands-on portion of CPR during this class. A final written exam at the end of the day.
Scheduled upon request 
Western WTC Room106 
The NSC Defensive Driver Training class is a 4- hour driver improvement program that offers practical strategies to reduce collision- related injuries, fatalities and costs. It addresses the importance of attitude in preventing accidents and reinforces the good driving skills students already possess. Most importantly, this course shows students the consequences of the choices they make behind the wheel.  
Schedule upon request 
Green River Center Room 211
Must pre-register (optional fit testing available for an additional $40.00)

Must be clean shaved for fit test and have medical physical within the last 12 months.
This course meets the required elements if ANSI Z390. 1-2006 acceptable practices for hydrogen sulfide training programs. 

To Register contact Workforce Development  at 307-872-1326 or email You are always stop by our office at 1 College Way, Green River, WY.