Sweetwater County Detention Center

College and Career Readiness

High school equivalency (HSE) instruction (through Zoom) Monday through Friday for incarcerated individuals.

Paula Frey
ABE Instructor
Sweetwater County Detention Center Rock Spring, WY 82901
Phone: Phone: 307-382-1829

This is my fifth year teaching for Western Wyoming Community College. Teaching elementary education for 10 years in New Mexico was very rewarding. I worked as a Reading Specialist for 5 years before we moved to Wyoming. Watching children progress and succeed in reading was amazing. Teaching English as a second Language was a new experience but I enjoyed all of my wonderful students from several countries. Currently I’m teaching high school equivalency at the Detention Center. My students are very diligent as they work to improve their future. Helping my students reach their goals is so rewarding. All students deserve a caring, compassionate, well prepared teacher who is considerate of their learning styles while helping them reach their potential. I have been a speaker for Christian Women’s Club for several years. 21 Keys for Renewing Your Health is my first published book and I also have written several children’s books. Spending time basking and working in my greenhouse has been my favorite pastime. Kayaking on any mountain lake or river gives me great joy. I also enjoy reading, writing and hiking.

Request More Information:

For more information, contact the College and Career Readiness, A212, Rock Springs, (307) 382-1829 or learning@westernwyoming.edu.