Online Class Schedule
Specific class times and days should be determined by visiting the current course schedules
ACCT 2010: Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2020: Principles of Accounting II
ANTH 1200: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 1300: Introduction to Archaeology
BIOL 1003: Current Issues in Biology
BIOL 1010: General Biology
BIOL 2010: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BADM 2030: Business Ethics
BADM 2195: Entrepreneurship
BOTK 1520: Business Mathematics
BOTK 1525: Social Media Campaign
BOTK 1555: Business Communication
BOTK 1640: Keyboarding Applications I
BOTK 2750: Records Management Systems
CHEM 1000: Introductory Chemistry
COMM 1030: Interpersonal Communications
COMM 1040: Introduction to Human Communication
COMM 2010: Public Speaking
COMM 2470: Internship: Communication
CMAP 1200: Computer Information Systems
CMAP 1705: Word Processing Applications: Word 2019
CMAP 1750: Spreadsheet Applications: Excel 2019
CMAP 1870: Digital Illustration Design: Illustrator
CMAP 1905: Integrated Applications: Office 2019
CMAP 2210: Quickbooks
CMAP 1905: Integrated Applications: Office 2019
CMAP 2210: Quickbooks
CMAP 2600: Computer Graphics: Photoshop
COSC 1010: Introduction to Computer Science I
COSC 1350: Web Development I
COSC 2030: Computer Science II
CRMJ 1001: Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRMJ 2420: Juvenile Justice
CRMJ 2450: Ethics in Criminal Justice
DANC 1021: Academic and Professional Issues in Dance
ECON 1010: Macroeconomics
ECON 1020: Microeconomics
EDCI 1000: Education Experience for Prospective Teachers
EDCI 2440: Introduction to Classroom Management
EDEC 1020: Introduction to Early Childhood Education
EDEL 1410: Math for Elementary School Teachers I
EDEX 2484: Introduction to Special Education
EDFD 2100: Educational Psychology
EDUC 1520: Substitute Teacher Training
EMGT 1630: Emergency Operations Center
EMGT 1650: Emergency Resource Management
ES 1070: Solid Modeling I
ENGL 1010: English Composition I
ENGL 1020: English Composition II
ENGL 2005: Technical Writing
ENGL 2020: Introduction to Literature
ENGL 2064: Creative Writing: Journaling
ENGL 2091: Creative Writing: Publish Your Work
ENGL 2230: Introduction to Shakespeare
FIN 1000: Personal Finance
FIN 2100: Managerial Finance
G&R 1050: Introduction to Natural Resources
GEOL 1100: Physical Geology
HLED 1003: Wellness
HLED 1140: Nutrition
HLED 1225: First Aid and CPR
HLED 2006: Health for Elementary Educators
HLTK 1200: Medical Terminology
HIST 1211: U.S. to 1865
HIST 1221: U.S. From 1865
HIST 1251: Wyoming History
HMDV 1005: First Year Success
HMDV 1025: Introduction to Online Learning
HMDV 1100: Speed Reading
HMDV 1101: Critical Reading/Critical Thinking
HMDV 1515: Career Development
HMDV 2411: Assessment Requirement
IMGT 2400: Introduction to Information Management
ITEC 2360: Teaching with Technology
MGT 1000: Introduction to Supervision
MGT 1040: Legal Environment of Business
MGT 2100: Principles of Management
MKT 2100: Marketing
MATH 0720: Algebra Skills I
MATH 0760: Algebra Skills II
MATH 0900: Pre-Algebra Arithmetic
MATH 0920: Beginning Algebra
MATH 0930: Intermediate Algebra
MATH 1000: Problem Solving
MATH 1100: Number & Operations Elementary School Teachers
MATH 1400: College Algebra
MATH 1405: Trigonometry
MATH 2120: Geometry & Measurement Elementary School Teachers
MATH 2200: Calculus I
MATH 2350: Business Calculus I
MOLB 2210: General Microbiology
MUSC 1000: Introduction to Music
MUSC 1010: Music Fundamentals
MUSC 2015: Introduction to Music of the World
MUSC 2050: Music History Survey I
NURS 1510: Nurse Assistant
PHIL 1000: Introduction to Philosophy
POLS 1000: American & Wyoming Government
PSYC 1000: General Psychology
PSYC 2300: Developmental Psychology
PSYC 2380: Social Psychology
SOC 1000: Sociological Principles
SOC 2200: Sociology of Human Sexuality
SOWK 1001: Intellectual Community in Social Work: Mechanisms of Oppression
SPAN 1010: First Year Spanish I
SPAN 1020: First Year Spanish II
SPAN 2030: Second Year Spanish I
STAT 2010: Business Statistics
STAT 2050: Fundamentals of Statistics
STAT 2070: Statistics for Social Science
THEA 1115: Play Script Analysis