Preceptor Manual

Preceptor Feedback of Western Student
Student Feedback of Preceptor Form

Frequently Asked Questions

This information is directly from Western's Preceptor Manual

Clinical preceptors may be used to enhance clinical learning experiences. Practicing nurses will be given the opportunity to understand the preceptor role and elect to participate actively in the preceptor experience. After a student has received clinical and didactic instruction in all basic areas of nursing or content specific clinical and didactic instruction, preceptors will join nursing faculty to expand student knowledge and skills.

The faculty members shall retain responsibility for the student’s learning experiences and meet periodically with the clinical preceptor and student for the purposes of monitoring and evaluating learning experiences.

A preceptor MUST be present ANY time a student:

  • initiates an IV
  • administers any IV push medication
  • infuses any blood or blood product
  • maintains or administers any medication via Central Venous Access Device
  • performs any complex sterile procedure
  • performs any procedures which the student has never performed

Accountability is one of the most frequent concerns of preceptors. Here are points to answer the most frequent legal questions of preceptors.

  • A contract has been reached between the clinical agency and Western which allows students who are under the supervision of preceptors to be in the facility without a nursing faculty member present at all times. A 1:1 student/preceptor ratio must be maintained for all precepted clinical experiences.
  • The oversight of the student is the responsibility of the preceptor; however, the faculty liaison determines the final clinical grade for each student.
  • The student is NOT practicing under the preceptor’s nursing license. The student is responsible for his/her own practice. It is essential that the preceptor is aware of the student’s abilities and limitations. Ask the student if he/she has ever observed the procedure, performed it, needs to review it first, feels comfortable performing it, or needs you there for support, etc.
  • The program maintains professional liability coverage for students and faculty.

Clinical preceptors may be used to enhance clinical learning experiences. Registered nurses are invited to function as preceptors (partners in education) to augment the students’ learning. After a student has received clinical and didactic instruction in all basic areas of nursing (or content specific clinical and didactic instruction), preceptors will join nursing faculty to expand student knowledge and skills.

Preceptors who participate in teaching in clinical sites must meet specific qualifications, to include the following:

  • Have an earned ADN degree or higher and be licensed as an RN in the state of Wyoming.
  • Have an interest in teaching, role modeling caring and professional behavior, mentoring and the facilitation of learning.
  • In addition to patient assignment, also be willing to assume the additional responsibility of a student’s clinical learning.
  • Adhere to the expectations of the Preceptor Role
  • Notify Western of any change in professional status including changes in education, licensure or employer
  • Must be willing to complete Western Preceptor orientation by reviewing the Preceptor Manual and materials on Western’s Clinical Partners website.
  • Read the Preceptor Manual
  • Read the Preceptor Feedback of Student form and the Student Feedback of Preceptor form
  • View ReNEW Preceptor Training modules available on the Clinical Partner tab of nursing website. Preceptors are encouraged to view these modules at the beginning of each academic year.
  • Become oriented to the preceptor role and the course by meeting with the clinical faculty member and reviewing the Preceptor Manual.
  • Guide the student into learning experiences that will meet the course objectives.
  • Discuss with the student, the assignments he/she should accomplish at the facility.
  • Provide guidance for the student.
  • Give the student verbal feedback.
  • Confer with the faculty member as needed. Nursing faculty expect that nursing staff will come directly to the instructor with student issues.
  • Accepts total accountability for the care of the patient and cannot delegate that accountability to the student.
  • Nursing staff will model professional nursing practice following organizational expectations to the students in word and action and offer encouragement and assistance when able.
  • Supervise, teach and counsel the student during the clinical experience.
  • Respect the student role and provide an environment that is conducive to learning.
  • Provide input to the faculty about the student’s performance using the Preceptor Feedback of Student form. The clinical instructor is responsible for grading the student, but the input of the preceptor is critical.
  • Students must be aware of specific clinical objectives and take responsibility for maximizing their learning experience.
  • Students will work under the supervision of the preceptor and be willing and able to use other appropriate persons in the clinical setting for supervision/consultation (charge nurse, RN, supervisor, faculty liaison).
  • Students should achieve the clinical objectives at a satisfactory level (see Preceptor Feedback of Student form).
  • Students must work within the student’s scope of practice. It is the responsibility of the student to know his/her level of competence and when to seek assistance/supervision.
  • The student must not do any procedure that they have not been exposed to, practiced or been checked off in the lab setting.
  • The student will arrange his/her schedule to accommodate the preceptor. The clinical experience must not interfere with scheduled class or lab.
  • Students must provide feedback for the preceptor using the Student Feedback of Preceptor form and submit this feedback to Canvas.  
  • The Preceptor can expect that the student will:
  • Seek out experiences that build nursing skills and aid in completion of assignments and/or objectives.
  • Collaborate with the preceptor.
  • Respect the preceptor’s supervision, teaching and guidance.
  • Seek assistance and support from the preceptor.
  • Make good use of the preceptor’s time, ask questions, access resources.
  • Confer with the preceptor and complete documentation as assigned.
  • Notify instructor and the facility in advance of any absence from clinical.
  • Complete the Nursing Student Feedback of Preceptor Form.