
Charitable gifts are a very important source of revenue to Western Wyoming Community College. Our donors include employees and former employees, alumni, Western Wyoming Community College trustees, WWC foundation members, friends of Western, local businesses and industry as well as certain government entities. Large or small, we are so grateful to our donors. 

Many donors choose to set up endowments to provide continual scholarship funds in a certain area of study. Endowments are a lasting legacy.

There are many ways to give: cash, check, payroll deduct, credit card, debit card, online donation and others. For more information, contact
David Tate (307) 382-1882
Kelly Allee (307) 382-1604


I choose to support Western Wyoming Community College because I received my Associate of Arts Degree there and would like to help others do the same. Everyone should have the chance to receive a college degree.-—Mary O'Malley-Holub 1983 alum
All my life I have loved learning and reading. I did not have the opportunity to attend college until I was 42 and what a joy it was. Western Wyoming Community College opened vistas to me that were more than just educational; they were enlightening. It took me 23 years to complete my Bachelor's degree, all without leaving the Western Wyoming Community College campus thanks to the University of Wyoming's outreach program. My entire family went to Laramie to watch me walk in my graduation commencement ceremony and receive my diploma. I only hope that my story can ignite a spark in someone else's life and encourage them to follow their dreams no matter the age.Jeri J. Jasperson 1990 alum