Strategic Plan

Western Wyoming Community College's Strategic Plan was developed through collaboration with the Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Employees, Students and Regional Stakeholders. This plan outlines the institutions future while providing a framework for how to get there. Western’s plan will be updated annually and the detailed work of ensuring that this plan is successful will be overseen by the Western Strategy Council. Click here for a PDF version of the Strategic Plan

Explore our latest Strategic Plan Progress Report—a testament to Western's commitment to continuous improvement and responsiveness to community needs. Discover how we're fostering excellence through cultural success, academic innovation, and valuable partnerships. Join us as we reflect on recent achievements and shape a future driven by collaboration and excellence. Click here for a PDF version of the Strategic Plan Progress Report. 


Western is an innovative public college aimed at empowering, educating, and improving our students, employees, community and environment. Our focus is to inspire the next generation of visionaries by using Wyoming grit and individual development in a diverse array of learning and flexible services. Western is where passion meets purpose.

Western will inspire and empower today’s students and our communities to create a better Wyoming.

1. Learning is Our Purpose

2. Students Are Our Focus

3. Employees Are Our Most Important Resource

4. The Community Is Our Partner

5. Adapting To Change Defines Our Future

6. Data and Integrity Guide Our Decisions

For more details on the Guiding Principles, click here

1. Communicate competently

2. Retrieve and evaluate information

3. See Issues from multiple perspectives

4. Think critically, analyze, and solve problems

For more details on the Goals for Student Success, click here.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are vital to the health and success of the College. They are more than numbers. Data provides clarity and allows for a better understanding of the  institutional performance.

Well-constructed KPI's help,

  • Monitor financial health
  • Measure progress towards established goals
  • Analyze patterns over time
  • Better solve problems and discover opportunities
  • Make adjustments and stay on track

Link to KPI's 

Explore Strategic Plan

Message from the Past President, Dr. Kim Dale

I am pleased to share the new Strategic Plan for Western that provides the framework for goals to create a thriving campus community.

Dr. Kim Dale
dr dale

Create a Culture of Success

By providing a safe, inclusive and affordable education Western will be the college of choice throughout our service area. Western will be accessible to every student wishing to pursue their educational goals.

Explore the culture

Strengthen Academic Excellence

By focusing our efforts on creating a quality & rigorous learning environment, Western will be looked to as the stand of academic excellence in its service area and throughout the state.

See steps

Cultivate Valuable Partnerships

By being highly responsive to the needs of its community, Western will create partnerships with all industry and community organizations throughout its service area.

Learn more

Operational Efficiency

Through the responsible and sustainable management of its resources, Western will be able to meet the needs of students, employees, and the community, now, and into the future.

See the steps
Operational efficiency