More and more Hispanic high school students are enrolling in a college or university. Many Hispanic students are the first in their families to attend college, so it is important for them to find a support system that will help them navigate degrees, financial aid and their school obligations. Western is the perfect choice for these students. The small class sizes and caring faculty make it easy for students to transition from high school to college. With more than 63 degrees and 42 certificates available, Western was ranked the #1 best community college in Wyoming for affordability.
The social aspect and support system of college is an important part of the experience. Western's Peer Tutoring Center offers help to students in many classes at no cost. We're here to support you through academic challenges. Clubs such as the Spanish Club and the International Club give students a great place to find new friends while furthering their education.
For those who have children, the Children’s Center at Western makes it easy for parents to attend classes while their children are cared for right on campus. Western was the first college in Wyoming to establish a child care center on campus, knowing that student-parents could better succeed in their academic pursuits if they had on-campus, high quality child care. They are here to help you balance studies and being a parent.
Financial aid is available at Western in the form of scholarships and grants. While scholarships are often tied to meritorious achievement, grant awards are more likely to be dispersed to students with some degree of financial need. Hispanic students seeking financial aid should employ a two headed approach, by targeting general aid and that which is specifically designed to promote higher education within the Latino community.