While in high school, I was enrolled in several dual credit classes. One of the classes that I took was Intro to Online Learning. This class was extremely helpful in preparing me for future classes. The instructor was very responsive to emails when I had problems or concerns. My senior year, I took two english classes (English 1010 and Technical Writing) for dual credit. Even though the classes were up at the college, it had several online aspects. Taking the Intro to Online Learning had prepared me for this. There were moments in those two classes that I was struggling, but I found that I had support from both the high school and college. My high school counselor made sure that the classes I was taking would transfer to the college that I was looking at. There were even times that I would go to Mustang Central while in high school and they were always a huge help. After high school, I made the decision to stay here and enroll as a full time student at Western Wyoming Community College. I noticed that I transitioned into college classes easier than my friends that had not taken those dual credit classes. I knew the expectations of college professors and what the homework/assignment expectations were, which really gave me an advantage over other students when it came to success in the classroom.-— Brinlee McFarlane